Huq Reviews New AI Book "Artificial You"
Do We Have Moral Obligations to a Machine that Achieves Consciousness?
Machine learning is a kind of artificial intelligence that crunches gigabytes or petabytes of data to isolate relationships no human could discern. It helps scientists working in high-energy physics and population-level genetics pick apart huge data sets. Closer to home, you benefit from machine leaning when Amazon recommends a new book, a bank flags a suspicious transaction on your account or your phone translates from another language. Machine learning tools now beat humans at chess, Go, and even cooperative games like Quake III and Overwatch.
What could possibility go wrong?
Plenty, worries Susan Schneider, a philosopher of science and consciousness who has held positions at the Library of Congress, NASA and the University of Connecticut. Schneider wants us to grapple now with artificial intelligence’s evolution beyond current uses of machine learning. Her new book, “Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind,” counts a bushel of tough questions that arise when machines become not only smarter than us — this has already happened — but also conscious.
Read more at Washington Post