How I’ll Remember the Law School
The Class of 2022 Shares Memories, Favorite Traditions
![Graduating students dinner cocktail hour by the reflecting pool](/sites/default/files/styles/extra_large/public/2022-05/20220512_GraduatingStudentsDinner_002.jpg?itok=oVta8KOo)
Watch video of the Class of 2022 Law School Diploma and Hooding Ceremony.
Spoiler alert: people really like Coffee Mess.
But also: lunch talks, Greenberg seminars, and the Law School Musical. These are some of the things members of the JD and LLM classes of 2022 told us they would miss when we asked them recently about their favorite Law School traditions.
The most popular answer, of course, centered on coffee-and-doughnut Wednesday mornings, with 43 percent of respondents telling us they would miss Coffee Mess the most.
"It's a simple tradition that made me feel like a part of a bigger community every week," one student wrote.
"Free donuts and coffee on Wednesday mornings is a perfect way to get a little boost for the latter half of the week," wrote another.
Also to be missed? "Professor Levmore sneaking up on your Coffee Mess table and demanding a seat."
Wine Mess was also frequently cited, with one student fondly remembering "keeping track of what day of week it is by whether it was Wine Mess, Coffee Mess, or 'free cold brew in the library' day."
One student particularly appreciated the D'Angelo Law Library's escape room puzzles.
"I love the fact that they're so well written and incredibly challenging, and Scott gives out the best prizes," the student wrote. "It's so fun to use our brains and our legal research skills in a completely different way!"
Some students said they would miss the quintessential Law School gathering spot.
"The Green Lounge is such a central element of our law school—post-class debriefs, reunions, celebrations, and camaraderie. I will miss walking into the Law School and seeing so many familiar faces."
After they graduate on June 4, members of the Class of 2022 will also carry with them memories of special moments, often involving classmates or professors. We have excerpted a few of their favorites below.
“On my birthday in 1L, just a few weeks after school started, my roommate got TONS of classmates to sign cards for me. I felt so welcome and loved.”
“Going out for dinner with Professor Ginsburg and then convincing him to go with us to Kingston Mines for a few more drinks!”
“Professor Saul Levmore's Torts class. A classic, and I can't believe there are practicing lawyers who didn't have this experience.”
“Coming back in person 3L year after spending four quarters on Zoom, and seeing all my professors and law school friends in person again was really nice!”
“My Religion, State and Multiculturalism class discussions.”
“Professor Douglas Baird in black tie as an auctioneer.”
“Eating free pizza in the Green Lounge.”
“Standing in the cold enjoying Medici pastries and coffee with classmates and Professors Kim and Macey on the Law School patio.”
“As a transfer, joining another law student's birthday party at the Point and being welcomed by everyone.”
“In the heat of the moment, I quoted Law & Order SVU during a Crim cold call. My professor did not notice and many students transcribed the quote into their notes.”
“Saul Levmore's breakfast and Geoffrey Stone's lunch. Invaluable.”
“The LLM class of 2022. They are the most incredible group I have ever met!”
“When we first went remote and shared moments of camaraderie and laughter as we adjusted to the new reality our 1L year.”
“The first community Impact Dinner.”
“Being able to appear in court on behalf of someone who was wrongfully convicted.”
“Watching someone bidding more than $2,000 for a dinner in the auction!”
"When a classmate sang 'All Star' in response to a Levmore cold call."
“The interaction with Professor Ginsburg, who is an excellent professor and makes LLMs feel very welcome and belonging to the Law School.”
"The kindness of people around me."
“Evidence (Winter 2021) with Professor Buss. It was a hybrid class, and she greeted us with, "Hello Roomers, hello Zoomers" and referred to herself as the "Boomer." Silly, but I loved it.”
“Serving wine at Wine Mess.”
“Professor Eric Posner and his love of Google Maps.”
“Seeing my friends' beautiful faces every day.”
"Realizing that I was in love with my clinic partner (and that she loved me back)."
“The Law School Musical was amazing! I laughed the whole time, and I enjoyed every moment of it!”
“Having a character with lines in the Law School Musical!”
“Someone I didn't recognize telling me I did a great job in the Law School Musical.”
"Being in the Law School Musical three years in a row.”
“Having been one of the writers of the Law School Musical.”
“Professor Strahilevitz's speech at the end of our reading of the Barnette case, explaining the privilege and pressure of teaching Elements of the Law.”
“I delivered a presentation in class and, having messed up my timing, I had to rush through the latter half. I wasn't feeling great about it. Later, the professor complimented me on my performance and encouraged me to consider academia. This was heartwarming, considering that at that time, I had ruled out academia as an option, given my so-so grades (I wasn't an especially strong exam taker). Thank you, Professor Ben-Shahar, for recognizing a talent that I didn't even see in myself.”
"I remember on one of our first Zoom classes we were in Civ Pro II talking about Marbury v. Madison. Professor LaCroix brought out a bobble head version of Justice John Marshall and it made by whole quarter."
“Watching Elle scoop up all the items at the auction.”
“When Professor Buss called on a classmate as a judge [and called him] "Mr. ____", and he responded, "I prefer Your Honor."
“The case we studied in Torts about cows falling from the second floor and causing damages.”
“International lunch.”
“Getting to work closely with Professor Buss through her seminar on the Constitutional Rights of Minors.”
“1L Crim exam. When time was called, everyone looked around the room, made eye contact, and started cracking up. Solidarity & community.”
“The Thanksgiving dinner at the Law School.”
“I think that I impressed Professor David Strauss once with my answer to a cold call. [Also] my answer to a final exam was posted on the library website.”
“Going to the pub after the Midway Dinner.”
“One time that a classmate was acting for Ethics class and got so into the role that he coughed as part of the script and the whole class burst out laughing.”
“Journal bonding events.”
"Professors David Strauss and Emily Buss always—I mean always—asking us about our son. Thank you both."
“When I got sick and felt homesick, my classmates helped me out.”
"The whole Civil Procedure for LLMs class taught by Professor Casey."
“My happiest experience was the Global Diversity Wine Mess. It was so nice that many of my friends were able to share their cultures. We all learned a lot about their countries, and it was amazing to see them so proud of their roots.”
“Realizing that my classmate will become my husband.”
“During 2L, after a presentation in my Food Law class, a 3L that I had only interacted with once or twice sent me a private message over Zoom to say that I did a wonderful job. It was so unexpectedly kind that I still think about it from time to time.”
“When I got my job offer.”
“The UChiBLR symposium! What an amazing day, the culmination of so much hard work.”
"Playing broomball on the Midway."
“My happiest law school memory was Party of the First Part during 1L!”
“Drinking wine and talking about books over wine and cheese with Professors Masur and Ginsburg.”
“Finding a legal field I want to dedicate my career toward.”
“When I interviewed Senator Duckworth. She was so brilliant—she answered every question we had for her in one third of the time. So, on the fly I had to continue the interview, making it up for the next 30 minutes. The discussion ended up being even better than planned!”
“Lunch lectures. The ability to hear speakers engage with faculty and students on timely issues were a highlight of my time.”
“Public Choice class with Professor Levmore.”
“When the fire alarm rang in Con Law II [Freedom of Speech] and someone yelled ‘Fire!’”
“Academically, when Professor Strauss mentioned me and a cold call response I did in one of his handouts before the next class. Personally, our grad event at the Bassment.”
“Working on a project with a professor that has helped me meet many practicing attorneys.”
"Meeting my friends."
“My LLMs friends.”
“All my new friends.”
“Grabbing drinks with members of our class at Jolly Pumpkin in August 2019, before Orientation even started. I met some of my closest friends then, and I know we'll be friends for life.”
Class of 2022, we will miss you. Thank you for everything you brought to this community.