Eric Posner on Fraud and FTX
Opinion: Why Sam Bankman-Fried’s aversion to ‘grownups’ will likely prove to be criminal
“Effective altruists” believe they should devote themselves to benefiting others the best they can. Some take this position to extremes by pursuing the highest-paying jobs they can find and then donating their riches to vetted charities that save the most lives per dollar deployed. One of the most famous effective altruists, Sam Bankman-Fried, is currently on trial for fraud.
In Michael Lewis’ new book, “Going Infinite,” Bankman-Fried is portrayed sympathetically as a brilliant, humane but emotionally crippled figure. Though he seems to lack the capacity to feel empathy for those around him, he reasons himself into the effective altruists’ utilitarian outlook. After earning a physics degree from MIT, Bankman-Fried joined the trading firm Jane Street, where he learned to arbitrage small price differences between assets. He proved to be quite good at quickly identifying, calculating and executing gambles.
Read more at Los Angeles Times