Curtis Bradley Named as Reporter to Complete Restatement of the Law Fourth, the Foreign Relations Law of the United States
The American Law Institute Launches Project to Complete Restatement of the Law Fourth, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States
The American Law Institute’s Council voted today to approve the initiation of a project to complete the remainder of Restatement of the Law Fourth, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States. Sections on Jurisdiction, Treaties, and Sovereign Immunity were published in 2018. The new project will be chaired by John B. Bellinger III of Arnold & Porter and Harold Hongju Koh of Yale Law School. The project’s Reporters are Curtis A. Bradley of University of Chicago Law School; William S. Dodge of University of California, Davis School of Law; and Oona A. Hathaway of Yale Law School.
The new Restatement will cover topics not addressed in the previous volume of the Restatement of the Law, Fourth, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States: Selected Topics in Treaties, Jurisdiction, and Sovereign Immunity as well as select topics that have emerged since publication of the Restatement Third. The Reporters will determine the scope of work for the project, and the Chairs will provide guidance to the Reporters throughout the project.
“ALI is delighted that this talented team of Chairs and Reporters, with its broad and deep knowledge and practical experience in foreign relations law, will lead this important project,” explained ALI Deputy Director Eleanor Barrett. “The Institute, along with the Chairs and Reporters, will now begin to identify Advisers with diverse expertise for the project. We are thrilled to be bringing the Fourth Restatement to completion.”
Read more at The American Law Institute