ALI Approves Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law, Reported by Emily Buss, Colleagues
Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law Is Approved
The American Law Institute’s membership voted today to approve Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law, the first Restatement to comprehensively examine the legal regulation of children. Launched in 2015, this Restatement covers issues such as parental rights and state intervention in cases of abuse and neglect; the rights of students and the limits of state authority in public schools; the rights and special protections of youth in both the juvenile and criminal justice systems, from police contact to dispositions and sentencing; and children as legal persons, covering free-speech rights and the authority of minors to consent to certain medical decisions, among other things.
The Restatement is led by Reporter Elizabeth Scott of Columbia Law School, with Associate Reporters Richard J. Bonnie of University of the Virginia School of Law, Emily Buss of the University of Chicago Law School, Clare Huntington of Columbia Law School, and Solangel Maldonado of Seton Hall University School of Law. Martin Guggenheim of New York University School of Law and David D. Meyer of Brooklyn Law School also previously served as Associate Reporters.
Read more at The American Law Institute