Adam Chilton: Political Donations by Mueller's Team Are Not Evidence of Bias
The political donations made by Robert Mueller's team are not evidence of bias
President Trump's aides reportedly have begun looking for evidence that the legal team assembled by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has conflicts of interest. As part of their search, aides are looking at the legal team’s political donations. Based on evidence that at least seven of the 15 lawyers have previously given money to Democrats, it appears, the administration is gearing up to make the argument that Mueller’s team is biased and thus unable to reach impartial legal conclusions.
But it’s hardly remarkable that most of Mueller’s investigators appear to be Democratic donors. It would be shocking if they weren’t.
Justice Department rules prohibit taking political affiliation into account when filling career positions at the agency, including those in the special counsel’s office. These rules are designed to ensure that legal investigations aren’t partisan affairs. When the rules were ignored by George W. Bush’s Department of Justice, it was a national scandal.
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