Abrams Environmental Law Clinic Client Moves to Intervene in United States vs. U. S. Steel
The Clean Water Act gives citizens the unconditional right to intervene in all governmental enforcement cases. Here, Surfrider is intervening in this case to ensure that any ultimate agreement between the United States, the State of Indiana, and U. S. Steel protects adequately the public health of those who use the waters near the U. S. Steel facility and imposes a penalty sufficient to deter future illegal conduct by U. S. Steel and other industrial polluters. Through comments filed with the U.S. Department of Justice, Surfrider has expressed its significant concerns with the proposed Consent Decree, including, but not limited to, the fact that the Consent Decree does not require U. S. Steel to take the actions necessary to prevent future violations of the Clean Water Act and to protect public health and the environment.
A statement from Surfrider Foundation can be found at https://www.surfrider.org/coastal-blog/entry/surfrider-files-to-intervene-in-government-lawsuit-against-u.-s.-steel.