Chicago-Harvard-Wharton Insolvency and Restructuring Conference 2025: Call for Papers

The submission deadline for abstracts is April 15, 2025. Acceptances will be communicated by May 7, 2025.

CHWIRC aims to be the preeminent interdisciplinary academic conference on corporate financial distress and restructuring. The conference will feature works-in-progress from researchers with a variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives—including from the fields of law, finance, accounting, economics, and management—along with commentary from practitioners in the worlds of leveraged finance and restructuring.

CHWIRC invites authors who wish to present new research to submit an abstract describing the work. If accepted, authors will be expected to submit a draft manuscript (for circulation to conference participants) approximately three weeks ahead of the conference, on August 20, 2025.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact Erika Siu (