Lecturers in Law
Erika N. Wyatt
Lecturer in LawBiography
Erika Wyatt is a partner at Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP (“SDF”) whose practice is devoted exclusively to family law. A proponent of marriage equality, in 2011, Erika settled the first civil union dissolution case filed in Sangamon County, Illinois. She previously worked for several years in commercial litigation.
Erika earned her Bachelor’s degree with high honors from the University of Illinois, and her J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School (2002), where she won the Mandel Award for her clinical work.
Passionate about animal law and welfare, she has competed in United States Dressage Federation horse shows and is active in the dog fancy. In 2009, she served on the Illinois Joint Congressional Task Force on Breeders and Pet Stores regarding comprehensive changes proposed to the Animal Welfare and Humane Care for Animals acts. She played a key role in the drafting and passage of the Illinois Herptiles-Herps Act, making Illinois one of the first states to enact legislation specific to reptiles and amphibians. She is a past Chair of the DuPage County Animal Law Committee, a member of the Illinois State Bar Association Animal Law Section, and an officer in multiple kennel clubs.