Tech Policy Seminar: Antitrust Today with Professor Randy Picker

Six-week seminar designed exclusively for alumni 

Antitrust is having a moment across the planet, with a special focus on the digital giants—Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft—that shape our daily lives. The U.S. Congress is considering possible legislation and there are corresponding actions under consideration in Europe and elsewhere. Senator Klobuchar’s new book is an especially timely window into these issues and will form the basis for the discussion in this program.

Join Randy Picker, ’85, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, this summer for an exclusive six-week alumni seminar entitled Tech Policy Seminar: Antitrust Today that is based on his Technology Policy course. Participants will read and discuss the recently published book Antitrust: Taking on Monopoly Power from the Gilded Age to the Digital Age by Senator Amy Klobuchar, ’85.

Dates: July 28, August 4, August 11, August 18, August 25, and September 1
Time: 7:00 - 8:35 PM Central Time
Location: Online

Cost: Free

CLE CreditPlease indicate if you would like to apply for CLE credit when you register.

Participants are asked to commit to:

  • Participating in the six weekly sessions*
  • Reading, on average, 60 pages each week, plus the submitted blog posts for the week
  • Writing and posting two 500-word blog posts

*We ask that you do not miss more than one of the weekly sessions. Please register if you can commit to participating in at least five of the six weekly sessions.

Please read through the FAQs below to learn more about this program. You can find the registration link under the “How do I register for this program?” section.

When does the seminar meet?

The cohort meets from 7:00 - 8:35 PM Central Time for six weekly sessions: July 28, August 4, August 11, August 18, August 25, and September 1. You will join the weekly discussion via Zoom, and you will post and access blog postings via Canvas.

Please register if you can commit to participating in at least five of the six weekly sessions.

What is the cost for the seminar?

This program is free of charge.


Do I have to be a UChicago Law alumnus/a to participate in this program?

Yes, this is for Law School alumni only.

How large will the cohort be?

Space is limited to 24 alumni. Participation will be on a first come, first served basis. If more than 24 participants sign up, a waitlist will be started. If fewer than 16 participants sign up, then the session will be postponed.

What resources will I need for this program?

To complete this program you'll need:

  • An internet connection
  • A copy of Antitrust: Taking on Monopoly Power from the Gilded Age to the Digital Age by Amy Klobuchar
  • The time to do the required readings (text and blog posts) each week
  • To participate in the six weekly sessions via Zoom
  • To write two 500-word blog posts via Canvas

How do I log-in to the weekly group sessions?

This program is conducted weekly on Wednesday evenings via Zoom. You will receive the link to login prior to the first session. 

What is Canvas?

Blog posts will be posted and accessible online through Canvas. Canvas is a web-based learning management system. It is used by learning institutions, educators, and students to access and manage online course learning materials.  You’ll receive an email from us with instructions for how to log in and use the Canvas platform prior to the first session. Blog postings will be due on Monday, two days before the Wednesday reading group session.

How should I purchase the book? 

We encourage participants to support their local bookstore or preferred online retailer. The book is also available in audio and as an eBook, which may be a preferred method for some readers.

Please note, if fewer than 16 participants sign up, the seminar will be postponed. You will receive an email by July 14 with further information about enrollment and next steps. You may wish to wait to purchase the book until after receiving this email.  

What if I need to miss a session?

Discussion is based on participation. We ask that you do not miss more than one of the weekly sessions. Please register if you can commit to participating in at least five of the six weekly sessions.

Will I receive course credit at the Law School for completing this program?  

This is not a class, and there will not be any credit provided.

Please see below regarding CLE.

Can I earn CLE credit for completing this program?

Please indicate if you would like to apply for CLE credit when you register. Applications for the approval of CLE credit are pending. CLE credit is not guaranteed.

How do I register for this program?

Register by July 13 via the link below. Registration must be completed online and a separate online submission is required for each participating alumnus/a. Space is limited to 24 alumni. Participation will be on a first come, first served basis. If more than 24 participants sign up, a waitlist will be started. If fewer than 16 participants sign up, then the session will be postponed.

Registration link:

What if I have more questions?

Please contact Maureen Horonzy, Director of Alumni Relations, at