Political Economy and Public Law (PEPL) 2025
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2025-06-12 09:00:00
2025-06-13 12:00:00
Political Economy and Public Law (PEPL) 2025
Event details: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/events/political-economy-and-public-law-pepl-2025
University of Chicago Law School
Room V
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Room V
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
By invitation only
The Political Economy and Public Law Conference is an annual "works in progress" event designed to bring together law professors, political scientists, and economists who study public law.
The conference features long format presentations with one formal discussant per paper. Professors of Law are paired with a Political Scientist or Economist that serves as their discussant, and vice-versa. The conference will occur over a day and a half and will host 30 - 40 individuals. Approximately 9- 10 papers are presented. It is by invitation only.