Omri Ben-Shahar at 8th Law and Economics Conference in Lucerne
Frohburgstrasse 3
Room 4.B55
6002 Luzern
Of the many current topics in Consumer Law and Economics, perhaps none have been more hotly debated than mandated disclosure. In “More Than You Wanted to Know: The Failure of Mandated Disclosure” (2014), Omri Ben-Shahar and Carl E. Schneider find that mandated disclosure deter lawmakers from adopting better regulations, impair people’s decisions, exacerbate inequality, and put crippling burdens on valuable enterprises. Furthermore, they argue, many consumers make the economically rational decision to not read mandated disclosures.
In addition to mandated disclosure, scholars have debated several other topics in Consumer Law and Economics in recent years. These topics include, for example, the protection of consumer internet data (particularly in light of GDPR), the regulation of boilerplate in consumer contracts, the rationality of consumers, the right to withdraw from consumer contracts, and the EU’s proposed “New Deal for Consumers”. This conference aims to explore the neoclassical and behavioural economics approaches to consumer law and apply these approaches to current issues.
Participation is free (coffee breaks included). Please register no later than 15 March 2019 via email:
In addition to Prof. Omri Ben-Shahar, two alumni of the UChicago Summer Institute in Law and Economics are presenting: Anne-Sophie Vandenberghe and Soren Segger-Piening.