National Lawyers Guild Presents "Conspiracy of Injustice: Federal Drug Policy" with Attorney Leonard Goodman
A report from the front lines of the war on drugs.
Criminal defense attorney Leonard Goodman offers a look into the federal criminal courts, where the lowest level drug dealers – the ones who sell $5 bags in the stairwells of housing projects -- get sentenced to 20 years to life under federal conspiracy law, while the drug kingpins go free. As background, Goodman will discuss the economics of the drug prohibition, federal criminal conspiracy law, mandatory minimums, and the role of federal courts in meting out the unintended consequences of the War on Drugs. Goodman will also speak about his recent, well-publicized case in which a federal prosecutor got caught using the perjured testimony of an informant to convict former Cabrini Green resident Brian Wilbourn of drug conspiracy.
Lunch will be provided by the fine folks at Backstory Cafe.