LWC and OCS present: Navigating OCI

Add to Calendar 2023-04-27 12:15:00 2023-04-27 13:20:00 LWC and OCS present: Navigating OCI Event details: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/events/lwc-and-ocs-present-navigating-oci - University of Chicago Law School blog@law.uchicago.edu America/Chicago public
Room C
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Open to the Law School community
Presenting student organizations: Law Women's Caucus

Are you curious to learn more about OCI from the student perspective? Join us to hear from a panel of LWC members about their experiences ranging from how they decided whether to participate in OCI and what criteria factored into their final law firm choice, to any tips and advice they wish they had known when they were in your shoes. Panelists interviewed in the Chicago, New York, DC, and California markets.

Career development