Loan Repayment Lunch & Learn

Add to Calendar 2025-04-10 12:15:00 2025-04-10 13:20:00 Loan Repayment Lunch & Learn Event details: - University of Chicago Law School America/Chicago public
Room C
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Open to the Law School community

Join the Financial Aid team and Natalie Daniels, AFC from AccessLex Institute for lunch and a presentation on federal student loan repayment strategies. 

This presentation is geared towards graduating 3L students, though 2L and 1L students are welcome to attend. Box lunches will be available but depending upon attendance, we cannot guarantee you'll receive a box lunch if you don't RSVP.

Contact the Financial Aid Office at with any questions. 

Graduating 3L students are also invited to schedule an individual loan repayment advising session with Natalie while she's on campus on April 10th &11th. More information will be given at a later date on the location of these meetings.