Legal Forum Symposium: Governance and Power
The University of Chicago Legal Forum is proud to present its Annual Symposium, "Governance and Power." The conference will take place on October 22 and 23, 2010 at the University of Chicago Law School in the rooms noted below. This event is open to the public. For more information please contact Emily Tancer.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Keynote: Paul Clement
Partner, King & Spalding; Former United States Solicitor General
"Theory and Structure in the Executive Branch"
3:00 pm, University of Chicago Law School Courtroom
Reception to Follow
Panel 1: The Power of Government, 4:45 pm, Rm V
Steven Lukes – Why do we accept governments that are not acting in our interest?
Ilya Somin – Federalism and Constitutional Property Rights
Tom Ginsburg – The Pashtunwalli: An Economic Analysis
Faculty Discussants: Daniel Abebe, Bernard Harcourt, Lior Strahilevitz
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Panel 2: The Democratic Process, 9:00 am, Rm V
Michael T. Heaney – Why is there no Coffee Party in the United States? Political Parties, Social Movements, and Grassroots Mobilization on the Left and the Right
Tuan Samahon – Reassessing Presidential Administration: The Unitary Executive, Policy “Czars,” and Congressional and Presidential Delegation
Faculty Discussant: Lesley Wexler
Panel 3: Judicial Power, 10:30 am, Rm V
Zoe Robinson – Westminster Exceptionalism? Judicial Ideology and Judging in Westminster Legal Systems
Steve Sanders – Can one State Ignore Another State’s Adoption? Reinvigorating Substantive Due Process to Protect Gay/Lesbian Family Relationships
James Sample – Differences, Distinctions and Elected Judges: a Developing Federal-State Dialogue
Faculty Discussants: Aziz Huq, Shelley Murphey