Legal Forum Symposium: Crime, Criminal Law, and the Recession
Friday, October 23
3:00 PM :: Keynote, Courtroom
Anton Valukas, Jenner & Block, LLP
Reception to follow outside the courtroom
4:45 PM :: White-Collar Crime and the Recession
Moderator: M. Todd Henderson
Ellen Podgor, Stetson University College of Law
Brian Walsh, Heritage Foundation
Saturday, October 24
9:00 AM :: Economics of Punishment
Moderator: Bernard Harcourt
Stuart Green, Rutgers School of Law
John Pfaff, Fordham University School of Law
Carol Steiker, Harvard Law School
Jordan Steiker, University of Texas School of Law
10:30 AM :: State and Local Budgets: Changes in Police and Prosecution
Moderator: Julie Roin
Roger Fairfax, George Washington University Law School
Alex Kreit, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Justin McCrary, UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law
Robert Mikos, Vanderbilt University Law School
1:15 PM :: Social Inequality and Crime
Moderator: Mary Anne Franks
Richard McAdams, University of Chicago Law School
Jonathan Simon, UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law
*All Panels in Room V