Katz Lecture


Open to the public

The University of Chicago Law School presents the 2005 Wilber Katz Lecture. This year's Katz Lecture will given by Saul Levmore, Dean and William B. Graham Professor of Law, and is entitled "The Future of Obesity Regulation." The lecture will take place on Friday, November 18, 2005 at The Standard Club in the Grand Ballroom, 320 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL. Lunch will begin at 12 Noon and the program will begin at 12:30 p.m.

Please reply to events@law.uchicago.edu or (773) 702-9486 by November 11. The cost of the luncheon is $20 per person. Payment may be made by check or cash at the door, or by Visa or MasterCard by phone.

For more information or to request a vegetarian or kosher meal, please contact Lucienne Goodman at (773) 702-0877.