The Federalist Society presents Todd Gaziano (Heritage) presents "The New Black Panther Cover-up: What is the Justice Department Trying to Hide?"
On the day Obama was elected President, two members of the New Black Panther Party dressed in paramilitary uniforms with jack boots and berets stood within a few feet of the doors of a polling place in Philadelphia yelling racially-charged threats at poll watchers and potential voters. One of them swung a billy club. The scene was captured on video and shown to millions on YouTube and cable news programs. After an investigation, the US Department of Justice filed a civil suit for voter intimidation under the Voting Rights Act, naming the two thugs at the polls, the Party chairman who encouraged the "deployment," and the Party itself. The defendants did not answer the complaint and the federal judge asked for a default judgment with an appropriate injunction against all the parties when the Obama DOJ ordered a review and eventually dismissed most of the suit. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has a statutory duty to investigate enforcement of the voting rights laws and its statute also requires all federal agencies to "cooperate fully" with its requests for information. But for the past year, the Obama DOJ has been stonewalling the investigation and violating the law to cover-up its actions. The truth is slowly coming out, but the question remains: What is the Justice Department trying to hide?