A Discussion on Power, Profits, and Productivity in Modern America

Add to Calendar 2021-12-15 12:15:00 2021-12-15 13:20:00 A Discussion on Power, Profits, and Productivity in Modern America Event details: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/events/discussion-power-profits-and-productivity-modern-america - University of Chicago Law School blog@law.uchicago.edu America/Chicago public
Online-Only Law School Event
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Open to the public

Debates about stakeholder capitalism and concentrated industry have taken on new urgency as labor unrest and inflation reach their highest points in decades. The Center on Law and Finance invites you to hear Samuel Milner, PhD, JD '22 in conversation with Professor Henderson and Professor Posner, discuss how the history of corporate governance, oligopoly, and labor can inform today's solutions.

Learn more about Samuel's new book Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Power, Profits, and Productivity.

This event is free and open the public. Please register for this Zoom event below.