Bigelow Practical Writing Presentation: Witness Examination Outlines


Open to the public

Guest Presenter Matthew Regan of Kirkland & Ellis LLP will discuss strategy and technique for drafting witness examination outlines.   This presentation will touch upon basic examination techniques with emphasis on how to structure written outlines to serve as the foundation for questioning witnesses at trial and in deposition for both adverse and party witnesses.   Matt will focus on the critical role an associate plays in preparing an outline for a major witness examination, describe how those documents evolve and are used by the trial team, and emphasize some practical  "dos and don'ts" for authors of those documents.   Matt is a litigation partner at Kirkland, where he has tried complex cases in federal and state courts for 15 years.
This is the final in a series of presentations on practical legal writing.  All students are welcome.  Lunch will be provided.