AALS Wine Mess - San Diego
Open to the public
The University of Chicago Law School invites you to join Dean Saul Levmore for an Alumni Wine Mess held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of American Law Schools in San Diego.
All area alumni and AALS conference attendees are welcome to join us for this West-Coast rendition of a Law School favorite.
Thursday, January 8, 2008
5:45 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Hecht Solberg Robinson Goldberg & Bagley LLP
600 West Broadway
San Diego, CA
Please RSVP by January 7, 2009 to Maureen McCarthy at (773) 702-5158 or mmccarthy@uchicago.edu.
There is no charge for this event.
The Law School thanks Hecht Solberg Robinson Goldberg & Bagley LLP for hosting the evening’s festivities.