Doctoroff Student Profiles
Learn more about the Doctoroff Business Leadership Program from several graduates of our Doctoroff Business Leadership Program:
Mark Buente
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: George Washington University
Undergraduate Degree and Major: Bachelor of Business Administration in Sports, Entertainment, and Hospitality
Undergraduate Year: December 2012
Prior Business Experience: NFL Players Association Paralegal; Behind the Scenes London 2012 Olympics research project
1L Summer Business Internship: National Basketball Association, New York, NY
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
My most memorable moment was meeting my Doctoroff mentor for the first time. His name is Steve Lipscomb, and he was the Founder and CEO of the World Poker Tour. He is fun, engaging, inspiring, and well-connected. I have had a great time getting to know him and learning as much as I can from the relationship.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
I came into Doctoroff with years of experience in the sports industry. And as most people know, the only way to get a job in sports is through networking. Doctoroff's commitment to advancing our careers has really expanded my capabilities as a networker. I was able to combine the connections in the UChicago Law Alumni Office as well as my own to obtain an internship at the NBA for my 1L summer!
Katy Cummings
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: New Saint Andrews College
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture
Undergraduate Year: May 2004
Prior Business Experience: Caterer and Chef Instructor
1L Summer Business Internship: VMware, Palo Alto, CA
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
I have really enjoyed spending time with alumni and faculty this year at a variety of events. My favorite was probably the graduation reception at the Art Institute.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
Through the Doctoroff Program I found a fantastic summer internship. Being at a corporation has not only given me excellent, substantive work experience, but has also put me in a group of top-notch attorneys from a variety of firms. I feel well-positioned for my firm interviews having worked with all these attorneys and had the opportunity to learn about their firm experiences.
Andrew Duble
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: Northwestern University
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Political Science, Minors in Business and History
Undergraduate Year: December 2012
Prior Business Experience: Goldman Sachs Asset Management Financial Analyst
1L Summer Business Internship: Blackstone Fellowship, Texas
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
Hands down my most memorable experience of Doctoroff was getting to know my fellow class members, particularly at the event at Professor Baird’s house. I'm thankful to be surrounded by people who are so intelligent, but also know how to kick back and have fun!
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
Doctoroff will train me to think more like a businessman and teach me a quantitative and relational skill set beyond anything I can achieve through a JD alone. I'm excited to apply the skills I learn to my career as a transactional attorney, hopefully in venture capital or private equity.
Stephen Ford
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: Brown University
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Political Science
Undergraduate Year: May 2010
Prior Business Experience: Teach for America Rhode Island Development Associate; PreProBono, Inc., Director & Fellow
1L Summer Business Internship: U.S. Treasury Department, Banking and Finance, Washington, D.C.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
My most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program has been hearing Dan Doctoroff speak about his life and his career path. In listening to someone who has been wildly successful in the business world, my biggest takeaway from his lecture was the importance of balancing a long-term career plan with an open mind towards new opportunities. His story helped me to better appreciate how success often emerges from stepping outside of our comfort zone and taking on unplanned opportunities that often help us to reach our ultimate goals and grow as leaders. I will be mindful of this philosophy as I seek to maximize my law school experience and forge a career path.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
I have always been interested in a career that includes both public service and private sector work. Through conversations with my Doctoroff mentor and various Doctoroff lectures I have attended this year, I have been fortunate to have been able to connect with current law students, alumni, and friends of The University of Chicago Law School community. Collectively, they have helped me to understand a broader set of career options that I should consider as I carefully chart my career path and identify opportunities that are positioned at the intersection of emerging trends post Dodd-Frank and my interest in the law.
Aleksey Graboviy
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Kentucky
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.S. in Accounting, minor in International Business
Undergraduate Year: May 2014
Prior Business Experience: Deloitte Tax LLP, CPA, Liberty Homes LLC, Co-Founder
1L Summer Business Internship: Propel Financial, San Antonio, TX
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
The mentorship component of the Doctoroff Program is one of the most memorable and beneficial aspects of being a Doctoroff Scholar. Getting to know my mentor and later working with him to expand his business not only gave me a trusted advisor to rely on, but also provided me with hands-on practice on what it means to run a business.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
The Doctoroff Program has given me an insightful view into the role that lawyers play as businesspeople. The program has shown me the numerous paths that a new graduate may take beyond the standard law firm route. My career aspirations have become clearer as a result of the programming and networking that the program provides.
R. Harrison Hawkes
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Utah
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.S. in Accounting, minor in International Business
Undergraduate Year: December 2013
Prior Business Experience: Strata Fund Solutions, Fund Analyst
1L Summer Business Internship: The Innovation Clinic, University of Chicago Law School
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
The most memorable experience was having Dan Doctoroff speak to us about the opportunities that await us after law school. He spoke about the importance of determining what unique abilities we bring to the table and then finding ways to harness those abilities during our careers.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
The Doctoroff Program has been a great networking tool, both formally and informally. Formally, it has provided me with access to alumni and other individuals who would most likely be otherwise inaccessible. Informally, it's been a great topic of conversation during networking and recruiting events as I try to differentiate myself at a law school that is full of highly capable and talented students.
Kyle Jorstad
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.S. in Finance, Minor in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
Undergraduate Year: May 2015
Prior Business Experience: Walmart Inc;, Finance Intern; AIESEC United States, Regional Coordinator and Internal Audit Developer
1L Summer Business Internship: The HEICO Companies, Chicago, IL
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
Dinner with Andy Nussbaum and Austin Witt from Wachtell was a great experience this year. Hearing their stories about and insights into M&A practice really helped confirm my interest in transactional law, and I feel more confident beginning a transactional career after learning about the industry from a more senior perspective.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
The Doctoroff Program has helped to confirm my career aspirations by connecting me with accomplished professionals who have succeeded in various careers at the intersection of law and business. Learning from their experiences has helped me to identify key focus areas to facilitate my own career growth.
Carina Kan
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: California State University Los Angeles
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.S. in Business Administration, Finance Concentration
Undergraduate Year: June 2015
Prior Business Experience: Vice President of Finance for Students Association
1L Summer Business Internship: Nuveen Investments, Chicago, IL
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
Both the alumni enrichment events and the opportunity to bond with classmates with similar interests have truly been wonderful, but my summer internship at Nuveen Investments has been beyond invaluable. From reading contracts and pleadings to sitting in meetings and conversing with the lawyers at Nuveen, it has provided me with a unique position to see how law and business seamlessly blend together when confronted with all kinds of business considerations.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
The Doctoroff program has provided us with a network of fellow students, advisors at the Law School, mentors, and alumni, all of whom have been fantastic in providing insightful advice, that we can lean on as we begin our careers. Plus, the skills that we will learn in the business classes will undoubtedly help us better evaluate business and legal issues with a critical eye.
Michael Killingsworth
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. Majors in Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology
Undergraduate Year: May 2015
Prior Business Experience: WRK Real Estate, Apprentice to CFO
1L Summer Business Internship: Mesirow Advanced Strategies, Chicago, IL
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program to date?
My most memorable Doctoroff experience to date would have to be the networking. Doctoroff hosts a variety of events where alumni and other very successful lawyers and business people come to talk. The events hosted by the Doctoroff program are not like other events where speakers come, give a speech and leave. Rather, as members of the Doctoroff program, we get to talk to speakers on a personal level without competing for their attention. We get to learn about the speaker's experiences, career path, and the golden nuggets of information that provide valuable insight.
How do you think participating in the Doctoroff Program has impacted your professional development and career aspirations?
I think that Doctoroff Program teaches you how to network more effectively and to set your goals high. In getting to know potential connections on a personal level, I think your success rate of making a positive impression increases. Meeting leaders from a variety of industries helps you realize that those leaders are not so different from yourself. Recognizing this simple fact helps you set your goals higher.
Sean Planchard
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Colorado - Boulder
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Political Science
Undergraduate Year: May 2011
Prior Business Experience: Education Opens Doors, Impact Manager & Operations Specialist; Teach for America
1L Summer Business Internship: Evergreen Real Estate Services, Chicago, IL
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
I'm going to cheat and pick two: The first was meeting Dan Doctoroff. It was a special experience besides the fact his donation seeded the Doctoroff program. He has had such a fascinating career--bouncing back and forth between the private and public sectors and enjoying incredible success in both. This is a career "path" that is very appealing to me as well, and it's always fun to meet one of your role models in-person.
The second was truly the Doctoroff student community. No matter who you are, the first year of law school is a grind. It's also nearly 100% focused on litigation when nearly 100% of us are interested in transactional work. Having at least five Doctoroff students with me in each class created a beneath-the-surface bond that helped us push through.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
Coming into the Doctoroff Program, I arguably had the most "real world" experience, but the least "business" experience of my cohort. I taught through Teach For America in Dallas for two years and on a Fulbright Scholarship in Madrid for another. These experiences were phenomenal and enlightening. But they did not give me the deepest insights into the business world.
The Doctoroff program has changed that. It's given me access to an incredible mentor (Cas Holloway, COO of Bloomberg LP, Class of 1992) who spoke with me every third week throughout the school year to guide me on decision-making. It's placed me in an internship (Evergreen Real Estate Services) where I'm learning to analyze the offering memorandums, raise capital stacks for acquisitions, and speak the language of business in way that only a lawyer can. More benefits lie ahead--I'm particularly looking forward to the Booth classes--but the value has been real and substantial already.
Dana Putney
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of South Florida, Tampa
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Communication
Undergraduate Year: December 2013
1L Summer Business Internship: Microsoft, Redmond, WA
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My Doctoroff Program 1L business internship is a period in my life I will treasure in the long term. I am interning at Microsoft headquarters in the Seattle area, and I was encouraged to pursue this opportunity by Robin Ross. I already had the sense I wanted to work in-house at a tech company directly after law school, and this summer has entirely confirmed that early career choice for me. I am incredibly grateful I had the opportunity to try in-house practice so early in my law school career, and working at Microsoft has opened up possibilities I never imagined.
Daniel Shearer
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: Binghamton University, State University of New York
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Year: May 2008
Prior Business Experience: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Examiner
1L Summer Business Internship: Gerchen Keller Capital, Chicago, IL
John Tienken
Doctoroff Class of 2018
Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois - Springfield
Undergraduate Degree and Major: B.A. in Political Science and English
Undergraduate Year: May 2013
Prior Business Experience: Fox News Channel, Segment Producer, “Fox & Friends”
1L Summer Business Internship: Marvel Studios, Los Angeles, CA
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
The most memorable experience was the dinner and panel discussion at Mesirow Financial. It was the best event of the year because we had the opportunity to hear full and frank opinions from the panel, and then build on what we heard with the people that we ate dinner with. The conversations were concrete about why people made the career decisions they did, for instance, choosing to stay in a legal career but in-house vs. leaving the law entirely for a business career.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
It's so early on in Law School, it's very hard to try and assess the program's impact on my career aspirations and professional development. The one thing I can say with certainty is that the Doctoroff Program has shown me that there are options, and that there are people with a legal education that are doing exciting and successful things outside the law.
Noah Driggs
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Undergraduate Year: 2012
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: VMware
Prior Business Experience: I was an international relations major in college, taking various business and economics courses, completing a global business study abroad in Asia, and working in several governmental and legal positions. After college, I worked as a compliance officer at Goldman Sachs. My team was in charge of designing and executing e-communication surveillances for the firm, as well as advising business units, technology developers, and the firm's social media team on the e-communications risks they faced. This position gave me a fantastic introduction into the law, the financial services industry, and legal/financial technology.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
The alumni enrichment events have been amazing. Not only have they allowed me to network with and pick the brains of extremely accomplished entrepreneurs, but they have also helped raise my vision and see how a law degree will help my career in the long run. Last year, it was easy to get bogged down in the stresses and minutiae of 1L. But attending the enrichment events helped me to step back and think about my career with a broader perspective. And the alumni are extremely interested in helping students and the program succeed. They were extremely open, candid, and interested in helping us (CEOs and General Counsels frequently gave us their email addresses so we could keep in touch directly).
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
First, I think the network that the Doctoroff program is giving us - with experienced alumni, our advisers at the Law School, and with fellow Doctoroff students - will be very beneficial in the short- and the long-terms. Second, the business knowledge we get out of the program - through Booth classes, conversations with executives, and other trainings - will really come in handy as I try to understand the businesses I'm working with after law school. Finally, since this is a fairly rare and new kind of program, I expect that my Doctoroff program experience will differentiate me in the eyes of future employers and business partners.
David Grothouse
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Chicago
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Legal Intern at TMZ/Warner Brothers
Prior Business Experience: 3 years as an Analyst/Senior Analyst at Compass Lexecon in Washington, D.C.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Probably the most memorable experience I have had in the program comes from an anecdote that demonstrates the unique opportunity the program offers to meet extremely interesting people. At a reception at Professor Baird's apartment, we had the chance to meet and speak with Brian Brooks, an Executive Vice President and the General Council of Fannie Mae. After telling us his winding path to his position, we had the opportunity to ask him questions. Paraphrasing the question and answer:
Is there anything that keeps you up at night?
Well, if Fannie Mae makes a critical mistake, the entire world financial system could unwind. I suppose that keeps me up at night.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The program gives great insight into how people have used skills and knowledge gained in law school in the business world. This general concept seems pretty broad, but the Doctoroff program has given me concrete examples through people who have done it successfully. The program exposes you to incredible people who have both gone straight into the business world, or who have transitioned from purely legal careers to more business-oriented careers. Such exposure has given me a great road map for multiple potential paths I could take in the future.
Matthew Klomparens
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Undergraduate Year: 2010
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Chicago Innovation Exchange - Summer Associate
Prior Business Experience: I have work experience in marketing research, social media marketing, media licensing, and venture development. I was also a Marketing major at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign's College of Business.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
I had a fantastic experience attending the financial modeling workshop last spring. Even though my knowledge of business financing was rusty at best, this two-day workshop at Booth offered a fun challenge, some priceless Excel tips, and a great chance to meet MBA students.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The enrichment events have offered insight into how CEOs, founders, and upper-echelon managers think about the legal challenges facing their businesses. Many of the enrichment event guests from the past year worked as lawyers before pursuing leadership positions in business or founding their own companies. This served as a helpful reminder to stay curious about the world outside of the law library and to take note of the many non-traditional paths still accessible to JDs.
Shelby Klose
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: Drake University
Undergraduate Year: 2014
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Major League Baseball Legal Intern
Prior Business Experience: Coopera Consulting, Nationwide Insurance, PWC
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Meeting and interacting with my mentor. She, along with another U of C grad at Major League, has given me great advice for the future. I am much more knowledgeable about sports business and a long term legal career in that area. I am grateful for their guidance and advice.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
I think it has given me a foot in the door for my future dream job. It is very difficult to find a career in sports and through this program I have gathered many more contacts. I have also gained skills in general networking. Finally, I look forward to the business courses I will take this year, such as negotiations, which will be invaluable in the business field.
Nicholas Linke
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Chicago Innovation Exchange
Prior Business Experience: Masters in Accounting; Two-years work experience at PricewaterhouseCoopers doing tax accounting; Certified Public Accountant
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Attending enrichment events, especially dinner at Professor Baird's.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
It has encouraged me to be more open to a variety of career paths involving law.
Amanda Ng
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: Middlebury College
Undergraduate Year: 2012
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Investment Banking Intern at Cantor Fitzgerald
Prior Business Experience: Hedge Fund Intern, Senior Research Analyst in the Banking Analysis section at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Attending the enrichment events and hearing candid accounts from alumni regarding their switches from law to business. I am also much looking forward to taking business classes without pursuing an MBA.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
I think that understanding business better will give me an advantage when I practice corporate law, because I'll understand both sides of the transaction - both the business and the legal sides. Furthermore, business people are our clients, and being able to understand how clients think, or how they are approaching an issue, is always a plus.
Albert Parisi-Esteves
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University
Undergraduate Year: 2012
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Morrison & Foerster
Prior Business Experience: Worked for two years at Google as a financial analyst
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Attending enrichment events with my fellow Doctoroff classmates. The program brings in impressive business leaders from across different industries for the events. It's an amazing opportunity to listen to their career stories and hear the lessons they have learned along the way.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The practice of law is a business. I look forward to implementing the materials I learn from the business coursework to build a lasting career as a practicing attorney.
Steven Page
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: George Washington University
Undergraduate Year: 2012
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Ocean Tomo - Investment Banking Group
Prior Business Experience: I spent two years working in the Chicago office of NERA Economic Consulting. While at NERA, I worked within both the Energy and Securities practice groups.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My summer internship at Ocean Tomo, which has been a terrific opportunity to acquire first-hand experience in seeing how deals come together and the thought process which goes into developing investment pitches.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
I believe acquiring both a theoretical and practical business background will help me understand how my client's legal challenges fit into the bigger picture. This understanding will, hopefully, allow me to deliver better advice and value than I would otherwise be able to.
Andrew Parker
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Development Intern - Evergreen Real Estate Services
Prior Business Experience: Co-Founded a multi-family real estate development company; Acquisition Consultant for a mid-market Chicago real estate developer; Account Executive at an advertising agency
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Most alums that I have spoken to in my industry ask about the program right off the bat. I've enjoyed the conversations that come from that, as they allow me to speak about how my business and my goals relate to what they are doing. I've learned that success in law or business is not a reward for getting certain grades or going to certain schools, but can be found by using those experiences to find mutually beneficial relationships with people who have similar goals.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The legal field is very broad, so it is helpful to communicate a narrower interest and have that interest be credible. The Doctoroff Program allows me to do that, as alumni and employers are always interested in hearing more about the program. In the future, I hope to stay connected with the students, alumni, and mentors I have met along the way.
Alex Pechette
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Year: 2008
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Fish & Richardson P.C.
Prior Business Experience: Before law school, I spent four years as an associate at Sargent & Lundy, LLC, where I provided professional engineering services to the nuclear power industry. My responsibilities included building detailed thermal-hydraulic computer models of nuclear power plant systems to analyze their performance capabilities under accident conditions.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far? Through enrichment events, the Doctoroff Program has given me the opportunity to meet remarkably successful alumni who have leveraged their JDs in unique and interesting ways.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development? I believe the interdisciplinary education I am receiving through the Doctoroff Program will help me better understand clients' diverse needs, recognize where my contributions fit into clients' business strategies, and, ultimately, provide sound legal advice. A significant part of the equation is, of course, the business curriculum. But perhaps more important are the opportunities to learn about and experience the intersection of law and business through the internship and mentorship elements of the program. In short, I think the Doctoroff Program will help me become a well-rounded lawyer.
Daniel Ruvolo
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: Boston College
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Legal Department at Baxter Healthcare
Prior Business Experience: For three years prior to law school, I worked as a financial analyst and revenue area lead at Epic in Madison, WI.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
The opportunity to meet law school graduates who have used their JDs to become business leaders has been great. They have been able to effectively communicate specific ways in which they were able to use their JDs to successfully transition into the business world.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The program has made me much more aware of what unique business and analytical skills I can offer as a JD. This will help me to focus my work on areas where my legal background where really provide value and will allow me to market my skills more proficiently.
Emily Samra
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Year: 2009
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Gerchen Keller Capital, LLC
Prior Business Experience: Trainer and Business Analyst at the Hanover Insurance Group (Howell, MI)
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Attending the enrichment events throughout the year and having an opportunity to get to know my classmates with similar interests who were not in my section.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
Participation in the Doctoroff Program has provided an opportunity to meet and network with alumni from the University of Chicago working in fields outside of the typical law firm experience. I think this will facilitate opportunities in the future to which I would otherwise not have been exposed.
Kirby Smith
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: New York University
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: US Treasury
Prior Business Experience: Worked for three years as an analyst in the Credit Risk Management and Advisory Group at Goldman Sachs
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Meeting so many engaging alumni and hearing about what they do and how they think/thought about their career.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
Connecting with alumni working outside of law has made me think about the opportunity set after graduation as broader than just law. They have allowed me to connect my legal education with skills that are applicable outside of the law, which I think has helped me see where I can move my career in the future.
Bridget Tully
Doctoroff Class of 2017
Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Undergraduate Year: 2010
Law School Class: 2017
1L Summer Job: Legal Intern at Ventas, Inc.
Prior Business Experience: Worked for two years as an investment banking analyst in the Consumer & Retail Group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My favorite parts of the Doctoroff Program have been the numerous enrichment events where we are able to meet business leaders who share their experiences with us. I have taken away so much from those events and know I look forward to them every quarter. I also have enjoyed getting to know a small group of students with similar interests and being able to bounce ideas off of them.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
This program has allowed me to see the numerous ways in which a legal degree can be used. It has also been helpful to hear what each business leader might have done differently in law school and what they believe lawyers can improve on. All their advice helps frame my view of my time at the Law School and what skills I hope to improve over the next two years.
Stephen Carrington
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois
Undergraduate Year: 2013
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Innovation Fund (CIE) & Illinois Tool Works (ITW)
2L Summer Job: McGuireWoods
Prior Business Experience: Limited, primarily new product development from the technology side
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Connecting with the entrepreneurs and members over at the Chicago Innovation Exchange (CIE), a business incubator right on campus. The list of CIE activities include: a) attending workshops on entrepreneurial topics; b) working for the Innovation Fund, learning a tremendous amount about venture capital deals
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
It has greatly expanded the opportunities that I could see myself pursuing. Without a robust business background, I felt limited in the transactional legal space. With the additional business curriculum and activities available through the Doctoroff program, I now feel much more comfortable and confident going forward in the transactional world.
Lauren Faraino
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: Harvard College
Undergraduate Year: 2013
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Summer Investments Analyst, Ocean Tomo
2L Summer Job: Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Prior Business Experience: I went straight from college to law school, but I have held internships in commodity futures advising, education policy, and IP valuation and investments.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My summer internship at Ocean Tomo with my mentor, Michael Friedman, was an invaluable experience that provided foundational business training. I entered the role with little knowledge of financial modeling and Excel, and even less knowledge of patents. Michael and the investments team helped get me up to speed on the ins and outs of IP investing, and I quickly became fascinated with the subject. Going into OCI interviews, I had a great set of skills that I could share with interviewers. They were really interested in hearing about my time in a non-legal position, and I found the difference of perspective that I could offer as a result of this internship a strength as I conducted my 2L job search. I have since become involved with multiple startups in the tech space--something I would not have been able to do without the expertise I gained at Ocean Tomo.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The Doctoroff Program is unique in that it gives students the opportunity to develop new interests, the support to dive into existing ones, and the access to learn from the best in the industry. Through internships and coursework, I have gained technical and "soft" skills that differentiate me from many law students who have a more narrow legal focus to their JD experience. I have already begun to see how the training I have gotten in the Program gives me an edge in a law firm. I am able to analyze 10-Ks with greater proficiency and evaluate business problems with a more critical eye. Additionally, the Doctoroff Program has allowed me to build a professional network that will stay with me well beyond graduation.
Maggie Guidotti
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia
Undergraduate Year: 2010
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Business Intern, CDW
2L Summer Job: Summer Associate, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Prior Business Experience: I spent three years prior to law school working as a Legal Analyst at a boutique litigation firm, first in Washington, D.C., and later in Hong Kong. I worked primarily on legal matters, but I was also involved in the firm's business development efforts. That experience made clear to me how important it is for lawyers to have a well-rounded skill set that includes competency in the sorts of business disciplines that are not traditionally taught in law school.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
In my opinion, the enrichment events that we have several times each year have been one of the most memorable and enjoyable aspects of the Doctoroff Program thus far. It is extremely valuable to hear from alumni who have used their law degrees in creative ways to develop careers outside the traditional law firm path. Their insights about the breadth of opportunity available to lawyers has been eye-opening for me, and from a personal perspective, it is nice to have the chance to sit down and chat in small-group settings with so many interesting and accomplished people.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The academic components of the program have already proven extremely useful in my work as a Summer Associate. Understanding the language of business truly is crucial to being a successful lawyer in almost any type of practice, and having had exposure to MBA-level accounting and finance during my 2L year has made me a much stronger and more sophisticated contributor to the legal teams I have worked with this summer. I expect that the academic components of the program will continue to benefit me as I begin my legal career.
Darell Hayes
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: Claremont McKenna College
Undergraduate Year: 2010
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: United Airlines
2L Summer Job: Milbank
Prior Business Experience: Before law school, I completed an education policy fellowship at the Tennessee Department of Education. Immediately after college, I spent two years as a management consultant with the Monitor Group (now Monitor Deloitte), a global strategy firm, in Chicago. At Monitor, I completed corporate strategy projects for financial services, health care, aerospace and national defense.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My mentoring relationship with Brett Hart. When I was half-way through my internship at United, my mentor (Brett Hart, GC of United) and I went to coffee. He asked me very pointed questions about my career plans. More importantly, he gave me a cost-benefit framework for evaluating career choices. The framework had two threshold questions: (1) will the experience leave you enriched? and (2) if you fail, will you be better off than you were before you made the switch? Since that moment, I have used that framework to think through strategic career decisions.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
I am specifically interested in banking and finance law. Being able to think and speak like a business manager will be great asset as I grow as a lawyer.
Braden Parker
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: University of Utah
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Summer associate at TMZ/Warner Brothers
2L Summer Job: Summer associate at Holland & Hart
Prior Business Experience: Started a legal research business; worked at Goldman Sachs for two years as a financial analyst
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Taking the courses offered through the Doctoroff Program
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
It will provide a business foundation to my legal career. I will build relationships with other students in the program and also with the business professionals we interact with.
Erin Steigerwald
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
Undergraduate Year: 2011
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Bloomberg LP
2L Summer Job: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom & Affiliates (NYC Office)
Prior Business Experience: Summer Consulting Program at the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Business; Legal Assistant for Viacom Media Networks
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Working closely with my mentor Dan Doctoroff
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
The classes have provided me knowledge that I feel has really enhanced my experience in my 2L summer job. I am thinking about things from both a legal and a business perspective.
Alison Wirtz
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: The University of Chicago
Undergraduate Year: 2010
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: Gerchen Keller Capital, LLC
2L Summer Job: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates
Prior Business Experience: I worked for 3 years at NERA Economic Consulting.
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
My most memorable experience to date has been working at Gerchen Keller Capital, LLC during my 1L summer. It was an opportunity to work with a group of incredibly talented people and see how the fundamentals of a legal education can seamlessly apply to the business setting.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
I have developed greater technical skills through the coursework component of the Doctoroff program and will be able to call upon them throughout my career. By building relationships with my classmates, mentors, and professors engaged with the program, I will have a network to rely on as my career progresses.
Ryan Zielinski
Doctoroff Class of 2016
Undergraduate Institution: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Undergraduate Year: 2012
Law School Class: 2016
1L Summer Job: J.P. Morgan; Investment Banking (Diversified Industries)
2L Summer Job: J.P. Morgan; Investment Banking (Mergers & Acquisitions)
Prior Business Experience: G.E. Healthcare, Rockwell Automation, BMO Harris Bank
What has been your most memorable experience in the Doctoroff Program thus far?
Meeting Dan Doctoroff and discussing his career with him. Getting his perspective on life and success.
How do you think participating in this program will impact your professional development?
It has helped me expand my business knowledge, especially in their areas of finance and valuation, and also refine my career interests by exposing me to successful people in different careers.