Autumn 2024 Quarter Class Schedule

Block Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  Legal Research and Writing - Krech (Room C) Contract Drafting and Review- Drake (8:30-10:30) (Room B)   Legal Research and Writing - Krech (Room C)
  Legal Research and Writing - Lipshutz (Room D)     Legal Research and Writing - Lipshutz (Room D)
  Legal Research and Writing - Peters (Room E)     Legal Research and Writing - Peters (Room E)
Torts - Levmore (9:15-10:50) (Room I) Legal Research and Writing - Schottenfeld (Room F) Torts - Levmore (9:15-10:50) (Room I) Torts - Levmore (9:15-10:50) (Room I) Legal Research and Writing - Schottenfeld (Room F)
Secured Transactions- Baird (Room II) Legal Research and Writing - Derron (Room I) Secured Transactions- Baird (Room II) Secured Transactions- Baird (Room II) Legal Research and Writing - Derron (Room I)
  Legal Research and Writing - Mayer (Room III)     Legal Research and Writing - Mayer (Room III)
Upper Level Make up Class Block (Room IV) Upper Level Make up Class Block (Room IV)      
  Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship- Gryczan/Kregor (9:45-11:15) (Room A) Divorce Practice and Procedure- Wyatt (9:45-11:45) (Room A)    
Sovereign Power and the Constitution- Bradley (9:45-11:45) (Room B) Canonical Ideas in Legal Thought- Goldin/Strahilevitz (9:45-11:45) (Room B)   Contract Drafting and Review- Neal (9:45-11:45) (Room B)  
  Immigrants' Rights Clinic- Hallett (9:45-11:45) (Room C)      
  Housing Initiative Transactional Clinic- Leslie (9:45-11:45) (Room D)      
  Behavioral Law and Economics- Masur (10:00-12:00) (Room E)      
Introductory Income Taxation- Roin (Room F) International Arbitration- Rubinstein (9:45-11:45) (Room F) Introductory Income Taxation- Roin (Room F) Introductory Income Taxation- Roin (Room F)  
  Torts - Chilton (9:45-12:05) (Room I)     Torts - Chilton (9:45-12:05) (Room I)
  Innovation Clinic- Underwood (9:45-11:45) (Room III)      
Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech- Lakier (Room II) Civil Procedure - Hubbard (9:45-12:05) (Room IV) Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech- Lakier (Room II) Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech- Lakier (Room II) Capital Markets Transactions- Junewicz (9:45-11:45) (Room II)
Elements of the Law - Strauss (Room IV) Editing and Advocacy- Barry (9:45-11:45) (Room V) Elements of the Law - Strauss (Room IV) Elements of the Law - Strauss (Room IV) Civil Procedure - Hubbard (9:45-12:05) (Room IV)
Securities Regulation- Henderson (Room V) Global Human Rights Clinic- Parrin (9:45-11:45) (Room VI) Securities Regulation- Henderson (Room V) Securities Regulation- Henderson (Room V)  
Environmental Law: Air, Water, and Animals- Kim (Room F)   Environmental Law: Air, Water, and Animals- Kim (Room F) Environmental Law: Air, Water, and Animals- Kim (Room F)  
Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession- Marshall (Room II)   Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession- Marshall (Room II) Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession- Marshall (Room II)  
Administrative Law- Strauss (Room III)   Administrative Law- Strauss (Room III) Administrative Law- Strauss (Room III)  
Elements of the Law - McAdams  (Room V)   Elements of the Law - McAdams  (Room V) Elements of the Law - McAdams  (Room V)  
LUNCH 12:15-1:20
  Labor Law- Whitehead (1:30-3:15) (Room C)     Labor Law- Whitehead (1:30-3:15) (Room C)
Trademarks and Unfair Competition- Ben-Shahar (Room D) Federal Criminal Law- Fairley (1:30-3:15) (Room D) Trademarks and Unfair Competition- Ben-Shahar (Room D) Trademarks and Unfair Competition- Ben-Shahar (Room D) Federal Criminal Law- Fairley (1:30-3:15) (Room D)
Admiralty Law- Schmidt (Room F)   Admiralty Law- Schmidt (Room F) Admiralty Law- Schmidt (Room F)  
Elements of the Law - Baude  (Room I) Torts - Chilton (1:30-3:50) (Room I) Elements of the Law - Baude  (Room I) Elements of the Law - Baude  (Room I) Torts - Chilton (1:30-3:50) (Room I)
Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession -Marshall (Room II) Election Law- Baude (1:30-3:15) (Room II) Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession- Marshall (Room II) Professional Responsibility and the Legal Profession- Marshall (Room II) Election Law- Baude (1:30-3:15) (Room II)
Business Organizations- Birdthistle (Room III)   Business Organizations- Birdthistle (Room III) Business Organizations- Birdthistle (Room III)  
Civil Procedure - Buss (1:30-3:05) (Room IV) Business Organizations- Buccola (1:30-3:15) (Room IV) Civil Procedure - Buss (1:30-3:05) (Room IV) Civil Procedure - Buss (1:30-3:05) (Room IV) Business Organizations- Buccola (1:30-3:15) (Room IV)
Civil Procedure - D. Miller (1:30-3:05) (Room V) Jenner & Block Supreme Court and Appellate Clinic-Konsky/Strauss (1:30-3:30) (Room VI) Civil Procedure - D. Miller (1:30-3:05) (Room V) Civil Procedure - D. Miller (1:30-3:05) (Room V)  
  Workshop: Public Law and Legal Theory- Multiple instructors (3:30-5:30) (Room 203)      
  Abrams Environmental Law Clinic- Heppell/Schuhardt/Templeton (3:30-5:30) (Room B)      
  Criminal and Juvenile Justice Project Clinic- Zunkel (3:30-5:30) (Room E)      
  Workshop: Law and Economics- Goldin/Robertson (3:30-5:30) (Room F)      
  Employment Law Clinic- Schmidt (3:30-5:30) (Room G)      
Punishment: Its Justification and Practice- Edwards (Room I)   Punishment: Its Justification and Practice- Edwards (Room I) Punishment: Its Justification and Practice- Edwards (Room I)  
Antitrust- Picker (Room II)   Antitrust- Picker (Room II) Antitrust- Picker (Room II)  
Administrative Law- Nou (Room III)   Administrative Law- Nou (Room III) Administrative Law- Nou (Room III) Upper Level Make up Class Block (3:45-5:45) (Room III)
1L Make up Class Block  (3:15-6:15) (Room IV) Writing and Research in the U.S. Legal System-Klein/Moran/Scotese (3:30-5:30) (Room III)      
Workshop: Constitutional Law- Peterson/Starr (Room 203)        
  Advanced Evidence: Current Developments in Scientific and Expert Evidence- Kaye (Room A) Historic Preservation Law- R. Friedman (Room A) Federal Criminal Justice Clinic- Miller/Siegler (Room A)  
Law and Literature- McAdams (Room B)   Private Equity Transactions: Issues and Documentation- M.Fennell/Ritchie(Room B) Civil Rights Clinic: Police Accountability- Futterman (Room B)  
International Business Transactions - D'Ambrosio (Room C) Judicial Federalism- Wood (Room C) Environmental Constitutionalism- Learner (Room C) Law and Public Policy: Case Studies in Problem Solving - Patton (Room C) 1L Make up Class Block (4:00-7:00) (Room IV)
Intellectual Property-based Finance and Investment- M. Friedman (Room D) Advanced Legal Writing in the Age of AI- Duquette (Room D) Art Law - Hirschel/Landes (Room D) Project and Infrastructure Development and Finance- Jacobson (class meets October 3, 17, 31, November 14, and December 5) (4:00-7:35) (Room D)  
Class Action Controversies- Brody (Room E)   Advanced Criminal Law: Evolving Doctrines in White Collar Litigation- Kirsch (Room E) Real Estate Transactions- Small (Room E)  
      International Law- Hitik (Room F)  
Advanced Civil Procedure- Patterson (Room G)   Employee Benefits Law- Mowery/Wolf (Room G)    
  Health Law and Policy- Bierig Tuesdays and Thursdays (4:15-5:50) (Room I) Religious Liberty- Walsh (Room I) Health Law and Policy- Bierig Tuesdays and Thursdays (4:15-5:50) (Room I)  
    Competitive Strategy- Budish (4:00-7:30) (Room II) Workshop: Legal Scholarship- Bernstein (4:00-6:15) (Room II)  
Writing and Research in the U.S. Legal System- Klein/Moran/Scotese (Section 2) (Room III)
  Legal Finance: The Theory, Practice and Ethics of Financing Legal Claims and Transactions- Kelley (Room III) The Internet Technologies - Grusd (Class will meet in person on October 3, 10, November 14 and December 5th from 4:00-7:00PM. All other class meetings will be remote and from 4:00-5:15PM) (Room III)  
  1L Make up Class Block  (4:00-7:00) (Room IV) Advanced Legal Research- Vanderlin (Room IV)    
Fundamentals of In-House Counsel- Avratin/Lutz/Zarfes (Room V) Kirkland & Ellis Corporate Lab Clinic (Section 1) Avratin, Kramer, Zarfes (Room V) U.S. Supreme Court Theory and Practice- Scodro (Room V) Kirkland & Ellis Corporate Lab Clinic (Section 2)- Avratin, Kramer, Zarfes (Room V)  
  Exoneration Project Clinic- Ainsworth/Leonard/Myerscough-Mueller (Room VI)      
International Criminal Law- Lentz (short class meets Oct 28-31 from 6:10-8:40) (Room B) International Criminal Law- Lentz (short class meets Oct 28-31 from 6:10-8:40) (Room B) International Criminal Law- Lentz (short class meets Oct 28-31 from 6:10-8:40) (Room B) International Criminal Law- Lentz (short class meets Oct 28-31 from 6:10-8:40) (Room B)  
Realizing the International Right to Health- Grover (short class M-F, October 7-11 from 6:10-8:40) (Room C) Realizing the International Right to Health- Grover (short class M-F, October 7-11 from 6:10-8:40) (Room C) Realizing the International Right to Health- Grover (short class M-F, October 7-11 from 6:10-8:40) (Room C) Realizing the International Right to Health- Grover (short class M-F, October 7-11 from 6:10-8:40) (Room C) Realizing the International Right to Health- Grover (short class M-F, October 7-11 from 6:10-8:40) (Room C)
AI and the Law- Sultani (short class from September 30- October 3 from 6:10-8:40PM) (Room E) AI and the Law- Sultani (short class from September 30- October 3 from 6:10-8:40PM) (Room E) AI and the Law- Sultani (short class from September 30-October 3 from 6:10-8:40PM) (Room E) AI and the Law- Sultani (short class from September 30-October 3 from 6:10-8:40PM) (Room E)  
  Remedies- Bray (Short class October 1/2/8/9/10 from 6:10-8:10) (Room F) Remedies- Bray (Short class October 1/2/8/9/10 from 6:10-8:10) (Room F) Remedies- Bray (Short class October 1/2/8/9/10 from 6:10-8:10 (Room F)  
Upper Level Make Up Block (6:10-9:00) (Room IV)
Litigation and Public Policy- Chhabria (short class October 14-17 from 6:10-8:40) (Room V) Litigation and Public Policy- Chhabria (short class October 14-17 from 6:10-8:40) (Room V) Litigation and Public Policy- Chhabria (short class October 14-17 from 6:10-8:40) (Room V) Litigation and Public Policy- Chhabria (short class October 14-17, 6:10-8:40) (Room V)