LSSO External (Firm) Fundraising Proposal Form

Law School Student Organizations interested in pursuing external fundraising (law firms) must submit the required documents below. 

Deadline to Apply: July 21, 2024, 11:59 PM CST.

Fundraising proposals will not be accepted after the deadline. 

Proposals will be reviewed by the Office of External Affairs and the Office of the Dean of Students. Contact with questions. 

View and download an example Programming List here
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100 MB limit.
Allowed types: xls, xlsx.
This paragraph (100-200 words) will be included in the Chicago Law Partners brochure that will be sent out to law firms by the Office of External Affairs. You may use your group's general description as the basis for this paragraph, or reuse the same paragraph from last year if your LSSO applied in 2023-2024 year (FY2023 CLP Brochure:

In addition, include a general overview of the types of events you are planning for the year, and why you feel your programming is worthy of support. Keep this information concise and informative.

If you are proposing a signature event, your organization will need to provide an additional paragraph describing the event's purpose, audience and impact. A signature event, for the purposes of CLP, is a large scale event, which typically includes invited high profile guests and significant costs. 
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100 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, pdf, docx.