This Violent City? Rhetoric, Realities, and the Perils and Promise of Reform
The University of Chicago Law Review convened some of the nation’s leading scholars on May 7 for a virtual symposium aimed at examining the causes of urban violence. The event showcased a diverse range of empirical, theoretical, and legal perspectives and confronted questions related to concentrated poverty, policing and incarceration, community initiatives, and more. Many of the papers focused on policing and violence in Chicago.
Below, you can watch opening remarks and access a playlist of videos for each session, described in the agenda below. Videos of each session are also available along the right side of this page.
9:00 AM
Opening Remarks and Introduction
Thomas J. Miles, Dean, University of Chicago Law School
Caroline Veniero, Symposium Editor, University of Chicago Law Review
9:15 AM
Panel 1: What Causes Violence?: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Moderator, Aziz Huq, University of Chicago Law School
- Abolition and Violence, Allegra McLeod, Georgetown Univ. School of Law
- Crime and Punishment in Chicago: The Enduring Neighborhood Effect in Times of Social Change, Robert Sampson, Harvard University
- Patrick Sharkey, Princeton University
10:45 AM: Break
11:00 AM
Panel 2: Policing and the Prospects of Reform
Moderator, Richard McAdams, University of Chicago Law School
- Territorial Policing in Black Neighborhoods, Elise Boddie, Rutgers Law School
- Police Monopoly and Misuse of Data During Chicago Homicide Waves, Robert Vargas, University of Chicago
- Prospects for Reform? The Collapse of Community Policing in Chicago, Wesley Skogan, Northwestern University
12:30 PM: Break
12:45–1:15PM: Social lunch
1:15–1:30PM: Break
Panel 3: City Limits?: How Municipal Governments Can (and Can't) Address the Root Causes of Violence
Moderator, John Rappaport, University of Chicago Law School
- Evaluating Policing’s Contributions to Urban Violence
Aziz Huq, University of Chicago Law School
Alex Chohlas Wood, Stanford University
Sharad Goel, Stanford University
Amy Shoemaker, Stanford University - Killing Me Softly: The Structural Violence of School Segregation, Latoya Baldwin-Clark, UCLA School of Law
- Cities, Preemption, and the Statutory Second Amendment, Joseph Blocher, Duke Law School