The “Construction in Space in the Third and Fourth Dimension” statue by Antoine Pevsner sits in the Law School's reflecting pool with the sun behind it.
Intellectual. Interdisciplinary. Innovative. Impactful.

Prof. Tom Ginsburg discussed democracy and the rule of law at a symposium at Georgetown Law that was broadcast on  C-SPAN. “In my view, democracy requires bureaucracy. It requires a civil service of people who stay there and take political instructions, whoever happens to be power,” he said.

Clinical Professor Nicole Hallett, director of the Immigrants' Rights Clinic, spoke on WCPT 820’s “Chews Views” Podcast to discuss of her clinic’s recent work. “

US President Donald Trump’s sweeping tariffs on MexicanCanadian, and Chinese imports rest on shaky legal ground. But they are unlikely to be struck down in court.


