Graduate Student-at-Large/Returning Scholar Registration Request

Graduate Student-at-Large and Returning Scholar students ("Students") wishing to register in a LAWS-prefixed offering must complete the following request form even if the offering does not require instructor consent.

Students should refer to and email the instructor(s) prior to submitting this petition to fully ascertain prerequisites, course requirements, available grading modalities and to request consent to register.

Students must register using the LAWS-prefixed offering code, even if the offering is cross-listed.

Students can register for a maximum of two Law School offerings per quarter with a maximum of twelve credits overall. Students may not use an Independent Research Project (LAWS 49901) to evade these maximums.

Students are expected to follow the same rules regarding courses, seminars, examinations, and papers that apply to law students. This includes all add/drop/withdraw/exam deadlines. Law School courses must be taken for a letter grade or pass/fail. Returning Scholars are permitted to register to audit an offering for a grade of R; GSAL students are not. Professor approval must be obtained for pass/fail and R grades. Grade declarations are final after the end of the fifth week. If no declaration is made, a letter grade will be entered.

Law School examinations: Students must take exams on their own laptop computers. Students are assigned an exam number each quarter. Students are expected to take examinations as scheduled, though exceptions to this rule are made on a case-by-case basis (see Examinations may never be taken prior to the regularly scheduled exam administration.

Please Note: Class information is sent to students using their email accounts; this includes Chalk. If you are using an email address other than your one, you must set up forwarding from your account.

All procedural questions related to taking Law School classes must be directed to the Law School Office of the Registrar at

Course Info
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