Sydney Morning Herald Looks Back on the Work of Ronald Coase
Man who lifted lid on hidden costs of buying
The man who first thought that governments should auction off rather give away the rights to such things as broadcast spectrum or taxi licenses, and who started the thinking that led to the invention of emission trading schemes, died last week at the age of 102.
He also inspired the joke economists tell each other as a warning against reading too much into statistics: ''If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.''
He was British-American economist Ronald Coase (rhymes with rose), of the University of Chicago, who in 1991 was awarded the Nobel prize for his trouble.
The first of his discoveries came in 1937 and launched a whole sub-field of economics, but now seems pathetically obvious. He asked why firms exist. Why do capitalists employ people to make or do lots of things for them, when most of those things could be bought from the market?
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