Anup Malani

Anup Malani

Lee and Brena Freeman Professor of Law

Anup Malani is the Lee and Brena Freeman Professor at the University of Chicago Law School and a Professor at the Pritzker School of Medicine. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Boston. He is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has served on the boards of the Becker-Friedman Institute, the Neubauer Collegium and the University of Chicago Press. Malani was the founding Faculty Director of the Tata Centre for Development at the University of Chicago. He is also the co-founder and Faculty Director of the International Innovation Corps, a social service program that sends teams of US and foreign university graduates to work on innovative development projects with government officials in India and Brazil. Malani has advised governments in India and Indonesia on COVID policy, with support from the Asian Development Bank, and has advised the World Bank on COVID in South Asia. Malani is on University of Virginia’s working group planning a National COVID Commission. Malani’s work on COVID has won two Emergent Ventures prizes and several grants.

Professor Malani has a PhD in economics and a JD, both from University of Chicago. He clerked for Judge Stephen Williams on the US Court of Appeals for District of Columbia and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the US Supreme Court.

Professor Malani conducts research in law and economics, health economics, and development economics. His law and economics research focuses on judicial behavior, empirical analysis of legal reforms, and blockchain. His health economics research focuses on the control of infectious diseases, the value of medical innovation and health care insurance, placebo effects, and conflicts of interest in medicine. His development economics work focuses on health care supply and financing in India and the growth of and quality of life in urban slums. Malani is the principal investigator on the Indian Health Insurance Experiment, an 11,000 household randomized controlled trial of health insurance in Karnataka, India, and on a large-scale impact evaluation of Mission Kakatiya, a major effort to expand rainfall capture as means of irrigation in Telangana, India.

His research has been published in leading journals in a number of different fields, including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Journal of the American Medical Association, Nature Medicine, American Naturalist, and Theoretical Population Biology.

Professor Malani teaches or has taught courses in corporate law, bankruptcy law, securities law, insurance law, health law, food and drug law, the canons of American legal thought, law and economics, and law and development in the Law School, as well as a PhD course in law and economics in the Economics Department, a health economics module in the Pritzker School of Medicine, and a public policy course in the Booth School of Business.


The University of Chicago

PhD in economics, 2003

The University of Chicago Law School

JD, high honors, June 2000

Georgetown University

BSFS, May 1992


The University of Chicago Law School

Lee and Brena Freeman Professor of Law, 2011-present
Professor of Law, 2006-2011
Aaron Director Research Scholar, 2009-2011
Visiting Professor, 2005-2006

The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

Professor (courtesy), 2010-present 

The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy

Founder and Faculty Director, International Innovation Corps, June 2013-present
Faculty Director, Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, April 2016-August 2017

The University of Chicago

Faculty Affiliate, Center for Heath and the Social Sciences, 2014-present
Faculty member, Committee on Clinical and Translational Science, Division of the Biological Sciences, 2009-present

University of Virginia

Covid-19 National Commission Working Group, Miller Center, 2020-present

Compass Lexecon

Senior Consultant, 2020-present

National Bureau of Economic Research

Research Associate, Development Economics, 2018-present
Research Associate, Health Care, 2012-present
Faculty Research Fellow, Health Care, 2009-2012

The University of Southern California

Senior Fellow, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, August 2012-present

World Bank

Consultant on Vaccination in South Asia, 2020
Consultant on NPIs in South Asia, 2020

Asian Development Bank

Consultant to Indonesian Government on Covid-19, 2020


Advisor, 2019-2020

Resources for the Future

University Fellow, Washington, DC, July 2008-July 2011

Harvard Law School

Roscoe Pound Visiting Professor, 2008-2009
Visiting Director, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics, 2008-2009
Visiting Professor, 2006

The University of Virginia Law School

Associate Professor, 2002-2006

The University of Virginia School of Medicine

Associate Professor, Health Evaluation Sciences, 2004-2006

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S. Supreme Court

Law Clerk, 2001-2002

Judge Stephen F. Williams, U.S. Court of Appeals - D.C. Circuit

Law Clerk, 2000-2001

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz

Summer Associate, New York, NY, 1999

Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd and Evans

Summer Associate, Washington, DC, 1999

Institute for International Economics

Research Associate, Washington, DC, 1992-1994

Books (Author)

  • Can Blockchain Solve The Hold-Up Problem In Contracts? (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (with Richard T. Holden).www

Books (Editor)

  • Legal Matters in Web 3: A Desk Reference. (University of Chicago Law School, 2024) (edited with M. Todd Henderson). www
  • The Future of Healthcare Reform in the United States. (University of Chicago Press, 2015) (edited with Michael H. Schill). cu
  • Extending the Cure: Policy Responses to the Growing Threat of Antibiotic Resistance. (Resources for the Future, 2007) (edited with Ramanan Laxminarayan, David Howard & David Smith). cu

Journal Articles

  • "Comparing population-level humoral and cellular immunity to SARS-Cov-2 in Bangalore, India," 14 Scientific Reports 5758 (2024) (with Jayashree Aiyar, Andrea Sant, Neha Kamran, Manoj Mohanan, Saloni Taneja, Bartek Woda, Wanran Zhao & Anu Acharya). www
  • "A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating Age-Specific COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rates in Developing Countries," 43 Statistics in Medicine 5667 (2024) (with Sierra Pugh, Andrew Levin, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Satej Soman, Nana Owusu-Boaitey, Anthony B. Zwi & Ander Wilson & Bailey K. Fosdick). www
  • "Statistical Inference and Power Analysis for Direct and Spillover Effects in Two-Stage Randomized Experiments," 79 Biometrics 2370 (2023) (with Zhichao Jiang & Kosuke Imai ). www
  • "Conceptual and analytical approaches for modelling the developmental origins of inequality," 378 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 1 (2023) (with Elizabeth A. Archie & Stacy Rosenbaum). www
  • "Cost-effectiveness of fractional doses of COVID-19 vaccine boosters in India," 4 Med 182 (2023) (with Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Elaine Feng, Sabareesh Ramachandran, Wey Wen Lim, Eric H. Lau & Ben Cowling). www
  • "Cost Effectiveness of Fractional Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters in India," 4 Med 182 (2023) (with Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Yuan Bai, Shuo Feng, Sabareesh Ramachandran, Wey Wen Lim, Eric H.Y. Lau & Benjamin Cowling). www
  • "Lessons from Disease and Economic Surveillance During COVID-19," 19 India Policy Forum 121 (2023). www
  • "An Examination of Velocity and Initial Coin Offerings," 68 Management Science 9026 (2022) (with Richard T. Holden). www
  • "Using Household Rosters from Survey Data to Estimate All-Cause Excess Death Rates During the COVID Pandemic in India," 159 Journal of Development Economics 102988 (2022) (with Sabareesh Ramachandran). www
  • "The Law and Economics of Blockchain," 18 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 297 (2022) (with Richard T. Holden). www
  • "Infrastructure, enforcement and COVID-19 in Mumbai slums: A first look," 62 Journal of Regional Science 645 (2022) (with Vaidehi Tandel, Sahil Gandhi, Shaonlee Patranabis & Luís M. Bettencourt). ssrn www
  • "The Potential Beneficial Effects of Vaccination on Antigenically Evolving Pathogens," 199 American Naturalist 223 (2022) (with Frank T. Wen & Sarah Cobey). cu www
  • "Modeling Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Dose Fractionation in India," 28 Nature Medicine 934 (2022) (with Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Abhishek Pandey, Wey Wen Lim, Matteo Chinazzi, Ana Pastore Piontti, Eric H.Y. Lau, Peng Wu & Sarah Cobey). www
  • "JUE insights: Does mobility explain why slums were hit harder by COVID-19 in Mumbai, India?," 127 Journal of Urban Economics 1 (2022) (with Jaymee Sheng, Ashish Goel & Purushotham Botla). www
  • "Compromising Accuracy to Encourage Regulatory Participation," 51 Journal of Legal Studies 1 (2022) (with Scott Baker). www
  • "Representative estimates of COVID-19 infection fatality rates from four locations in India: cross-sectional study,," 2021 BMJ Open e050920 (2021).
  • "Still in Mortal Peril? Recent Research Suggests a New Agenda for Health Care Reform," 50 Journal of Legal Studies S239 (2021). www
  • "Research Letter: Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Karnataka, India," 325 JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association 1001 (2021) (with Manoj Mohanan, Kaushik Krishnan & Anu Acharya). www
  • "Devise an India-specific Covid vaccination plan," Hindustan Times __ (2020).
  • "Unintended Consequences of Products Liability: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Market," 36 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 598 (2020) (with Eric Helland, Darius Lakdawalla & Seth Seabury). www
  • "Causal Inference with Interference and Noncompliance in Two-Stage Randomized Experiments," 116 Journal of the American Statistical Association 632 (2020) (with Kosuke Imai & Zhichao Jiang ). www
  • "Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in slums versus non-slums in Mumbai, India," 9 The Lancet Global Health E110 (2020) (with Daksha Shah, Gagandeep Kang, Gayatri Nair Lobo, Jayanthi Shastri, Manoj Mohanan, Rajesh Jain, Sachee Agrawal, Sandeep Juneja & Sofia Imad). www
  • "Labor Markets in Statistics: The Subject Supply Effect in Medical R&D," 13 Journal of Human Capital 293 (2019) (with Tomas J. Philipson).
  • "Civil Rights Laws: The Authors Reply," 36 Health Affairs 2212 (2017) (with Amitabh Chandra & Michael Frakes ). cu
  • "Challenges To Reducing Discrimination And Health Inequity Through Existing Civil Rights Laws," 36 Health Affairs 1041 (2017) (with Amitabh Chandra & Michael Frakes ). cu
  • "Making Doctrinal Work More Rigorous: Lessons from Systematic Reviews," 84 University of Chicago Law Review 37 (2017) (with William Baude & Adam Chilton ). ssrn cu
  • "The Insurance Value of Medical Innovation," 145 Journal of Public Economics 94 (2017) (with Darius Lakdawalla & Julian Reif). cu
  • "The Need for Better Evidence to Evaluate the Health & Economic Benefits of India's Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana," 142 Indian Journal of Medical Research 383 (2015) (with Arindam Nandi, E. . Holtzman & Ramanan Laxminarayan). cu
  • "Interpreting Pre-Trends as Anticipation: Impact on Estimated Treatment Effects from Tort Reform," 124 Journal of Public Economics 1 (2015) (with Julian Reif). cu
  • "Learning During a Crisis: The SARS Epidemic in Taiwan," 112 Journal of Development Economics 1 (2015) (with Daniel Bennett & Chun-fang Chiang ). cu
  • "Trial Court Budgets, the Enforcer's Dilemma, and the Rule of Law," 2014 University of Illinois Law Review 1573 (2014) (with Scott Baker). cu
  • "Incentives for Reporting Disease Outbreaks," 9 PLoS ONE 1 (2014) (with Ramanan Laxminarayan & Julian Reif ). cu
  • "Renegotiation Design by Contract," 81 University of Chicago Law Review 151 (2014) (with Richard T. Holden). cu
  • "Advertisements Impact the Physiological Efficacy of a Branded Drug," 110 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 12931 (2013) (with Emir Kamenica & Robert Naclerio ). cu
  • "Raising the Stakes in Patent Cases," 101 Georgetown Law Journal 637 (2013) (with Jonathan S. Masur). ssrn cu
  • "Economic Epidemiology of Avian Influenza on Smallholder Poultry Farms," 90 Theoretical Population Biology 135 (2013) (with Maciej Boni & Alison P. Galvani & Abraham L. Wickelgren ). cu
  • "Accounting for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in the FDA Approval Process," 67 Food and Drug Law Journal 23 (2012) (with Oliver Van Der Bembom & Mark Van Der Laan). cu
  • "The Hot–Cold Decision Triangle: A Framework for Healthier Choices," 23 Marketing Letters 457 (2012) (with Haiyang Yang, Ziv Carmon, Barbara Kahn & Janet Schwartz, Kevin Volpp & Brian Wansink). cu
  • "Incentives for Reporting Infectious Disease Outbreaks," 46 Journal of Human Resources 176 (2011) (with Ramanan Laxminarayan). cu
  • "Corporate Philanthropy and the Market for Altruism," 109 Columbia Law Review 571 (2009) (with M. Todd Henderson). ssrn cu
  • "Patient Enrollment in Medical Trials: Selection Bias in a Randomized Experiment," 144 Journal of Econometrics 341 (2008). cu
  • "Does Nonprofit Status Signal Quality?," 37 Journal of Legal Studies 551 (2008) (with Guy David). cu
  • "Regulation with Placebo Effects," 58 Duke Law Journal 411 (2008). cu
  • "Habeas Settlements," 92 Virginia Law Review 1 (2006). cu

Book Sections

  • "The Role of Seroprevalence in Evidence for Policy-Making During COVID-19," in Flattening the Curve: Covid-19 & Grand Challenges for Global Health, Innovation, and Economy, Chirantan Chatterjee & Anindya Chakrabarti eds. (World Scientific, 2023) (with Manoj Mohanan & Anu Acharya & Anil Deolalikar). www
  • "The Complex Relationship between Healthcare Reform and Innovation," in The Future of Healthcare Reform in the United States, Michael H. Schill & Anup Malani eds. (University of Chicago Press, 2015). cu
  • "Introduction," in The Future of Healthcare Reform in the United States, Anup Malani & Michael H. Schill eds. (University of Chicago Press, 2015) (with Michael H. Schill). cu
  • "The Complex Relationship between Healthcare Reform and Innovation," in The Future of Healthcare Reform in the United States, Michael H. Schill & Anup Malani eds. (University of Chicago Press, 2015) (with Darius Lakdawalla & Julian Reif). cu
  • "Commentary (commenting on Jessica L. Cohen and William T. Dickens, Adoption of Over-the-Counter Malaria Diagnostics in Africa: The Role of Subsidies, Beliefs, Externalities,and Competition (2012))," in The Value of Information: Methodological Frontiers and New Applications in environment and Health, Ramanan Laxminarayan & Molly K. Macauley eds. (Springer, 2012). cu
  • "The Welfare Effects of FDA Regulation of Drugs," in The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of the Biopharmaceutical Industry, Patricia Danzon & Sean Nicholson eds. (2012) (with Tomas J. Philipson). cu
  • "Economics of Infectious Diseases," in The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics, Sherry Glied & Peter C. Smith eds. (2011) (with Ramanan Laxminarayan). cu
  • "Comment on Chapter 3 (Burman, Garrett and Khitatrakun)," in Conference on Taxes and Health Insurance: Analysis and Policy, Leonard E. Burman & Robert B. Helms eds. (Brookings Institution Press, 2008). cu
  • "Firm Behavior in the Non-Profit Sector: A Synthesis and Empirical Evaluation," in The Governance of Not-for-Profit Firms, Edward L. Glaeser ed. (NBER/University of Chicago Press, 2003). cu

Working Papers

  • "Evaluating and Pricing Health Insurance in Lower-Income Countries: A Field Experiment in India," Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper No. 1002(2024) (with Cynthia Kinnan, Gabriella Conti, Kosuke Imai, Morgen Miller, Shailender Swaminathan, Alessandra Voena & Bartek Woda). www
  • "Evaluating and Pricing Health Insurance in Lower-Income Countries: A Field Experiment in India," (2024) (with Cynthia Kinnan, Gabriella Conti, Kosuke Imai, Morgen Miller, Shailender Swaminathan, Alessandra Voena & Bartek Woda). www
  • "The Mortality Burden from COVID in Low-Income Settings: Evidence from Verbal Autopsies in India," (2024) (with Wanran Zhao). www
  • "Allocating Scarce Information," University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2022-36 (2022) (with Richard T. Holden). ssrn
  • "Vaccine Allocation Priorities Using Disease Surveillance and Economic Data.," NBER Working Paper(2022) (with Satej Soman, Sabareesh Ramachandran, Alice Chen & Darius N. Lakdawalla). ssrn
  • "Using Household Rosters from Survey Data to Estimate All-Cause Mortality During Covid in India.," NBER Working Paper(2022). ssrn
  • "Explaining the Income and Consumption Effects of COVID in India," University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2021-72 (2022) (with Arpit Gupta & Bartosz Woda). ssrn
  • "Inequality in India Declined during COVID," University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2021-147 (2022) (with Arpit Gupta & Bartosz Woda). ssrn
  • "Prevalence of COVID-19 in Rural Versus Urban Areas in a Low-Income Country: Findings from a State-Wide Study in Karnataka, India," University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2021-92 (2021) (with Manoj Mohanan & Kaushik Krishnan & Anu Acharya). ssrn
  • "All-Cause Mortality During Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic in India: Nationally-Representative Estimates Independent of Official Death Registry," University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper Series, No. 2021-93 (2021) (with Sabareesh Ramachandran). ssrn
  • "Adaptive Control of COVID-19 Outbreaks in India: Local, Gradual, and Trigger-based Exit Paths from Lockdown," (2020) (with Satej Soman, Sam Asher, Paul Novosad, Clement Imbert, Vaidehi Tandel, Anish Agarwal, Abdullah Alomar, Arnab Sarker & Devavrat Shah). www
  • "Immunity Passports and Moral Hazard," (2020) (with Daniel Hemel). ssrn www
  • "Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among workers returning to Bihar gives snapshot of COVID across India," MedRxiv(2020) (with Manoj Mohanan, Chanchal Kumar, Jake Kramer & Vaidehi Tandel). www
  • "Adverse selection does not explain why utilization rises with premiums: evidence from a health insurance experiment in India," (2020) (with Cynthia Kinnan, Alessandra Voena, Gabriella Conti & Kosuke Imai). www
  • "The Welfare Implications of Health Insurance," NBER Working Paper, No. 24851 (2018) (with Sonia Jaffe). www
  • "Can Blockchain Solve the Holdup Problem in Contracts?," Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics, No. 846 (2017) (with Richard T. Holden). cu www
  • "The Insurance Value of Medical Innovation," NBER Working Paper, No. 21015 (2015) (with Darius Lakdawalla & Julian Reif). www
  • "Judicial Learning and the Quality of Legal Rules," Unpublished Manuscript(2015) (with Scott Baker).
  • "Does Accuracy Improve the Information Value of Trials?," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Papers, No. 17036 (2011) (with Scott Baker). www
  • "Can Medical Progress be Sustained? Implications of the Link between Development and Output Markets," NBER Working Paper(2011) (with Tomas J. Philipson). www
  • "Does the Felony-Murder Rule Deter Crime? Evidence from FBI Crime Data," Working Paper(2002).

Other Publications

  • "Pricing health insurance in India," VoxDev, December 9, 2024 (with Cynthia Kinnan, Gabriella Conti, Alessandra Voena & Kosuke Imai). www
  • "A Strategy For Value-Based Drug Pricing Under The Inflation Reduction Act," Health Affairs, May 4, 2023 (with Jason Shafrin, Darius N. Lakdawalla, Jalpa A. Doshi, Louis P. Garrison, Peter J. Neumann, Charles E. Phelps, Adrian Towse & Richard J. Wilke).
  • The Lessons from the COVID War: An Investigative Report, (PublicAffairs). 2023) (with The COVID Crisis Group).
  • "Why do some countries have lots of slums and others hardly any?," Substack, February 8, 2023. www
  • "The geography of caste in India I," Substack, October 23, 2022. www
  • "What is a slum?," Substack, October 22, 2022. www
  • "Ken Griffin, Wealth Inequality and the Politics of Envy," Crain's Chicago Business, June 24, 2022 (with M. Todd Henderson). www
  • "Assessing the burden of COVID-19 in developing countries: systematic review, meta-analysis and public policy implications," BMJ Global Health, May 1, 2022 (with Andrew T. Levin, Nana Owusu-Boaitey, Sierra Pugh, Bailey K. Fosdick, Anthony B. Zwi, Satej Soman, Lonni Besançon, Ilya Kashnitsky & Sachin Ganesh). www
  • "Comment: Poverty rose but income inequality fell," The Hindu, March 28, 2022 (with Arpit Gupta & Bartosz Woda). www
  • "The pandemic’s income inequality surprise," The Indian Express, March 22, 2022 (with Arpit Gupta & Bartek Woda). www
  • "Direct and Spillover Effects of Access to Health Insurance in India," VoxDev, January 7, 2022 (with Gabriella Conti, Cynthia Kinnan & Alessandra Voena). www
  • "Opinion: Modi govt should choose a vaccination policy that benefits India, not just the 45+," The Print, April 14, 2021 (with Sabareesh Ramachandran, Satej Soman & Alice Chen). www
  • "Devising a vaccine strategy for India," Hindustan Times, January 7, 2021. www
  • www
  • "Federalist Society Online Conference on COVID-19 & the Law," The Volokh Conspiracy, June 2020. www
  • "Rethinking COVID-19 Testing Strategy," The Hindu Business Line, May 29, 2020 (with Manoj Mohanan, Satchit Balsari & Anu Acharya). www
  • "If Employers Require Workers to Have Antibodies, People Will Try to Get Sick," Washington Post Blogs, May 28, 2020 (with Daniel Hemel). www
  • "View: Combining Sampling and Testing Can Be Most Effective to Get the Economy Back On Track," The Economic Times, April 24, 2020 (with Anu Acharya & Manoj Mohanan). www
  • "Is There Really No Community Transmission of Coronavirus in India? Let's Do Some Math," Quartz India, April 23, 2020 (with David Kaiser, Rupam Bhattacharyya & Bhramar Mukherjee). www
  • "COVID-19: To Get an Accurate Estimate of the Spread, India Must Ensure Random Community Testing," Hindustan Times, April 6, 2020 (with Arpit Gupta & Reuben Abraham). www
  • "Opinion: A Mask and a Shield," The Indian Express, March 31, 2020 (with Arpit Gupta & Reuben Abraham). www
  • "Commentary: State, local government best bet to fight outbreak," HeraldNet, March 17, 2020 (with Daniel Hemel). www
  • "Trump Can't Save Us from the Coronavirus. But Governors and Mayors Can," Washington Post, March 16, 2020 (with Daniel Hemel). www
  • "Land, Politics, and Insecurity in Slums: A Photo Essay," EPW Engage, January 23, 2020 (with Adam Chilton, Shafali Sharma & Lakshmee Sharma). www
  • "To Encourage New Housing, Tax It; Compensation for existing homeowners could break the regulatory logjam," Wall Street Journal, July 7, 2019. www
  • "Road Map for a Successful Modicare," Mint, March 6, 2018 (with Cynthia Kinnan). www
  • "Why the I.R.S. Fears Bitcoin," New York Times, January 22, 2018 (with Richard T. Holden). www
  • "Why America Needs a 'Do-Over' on Medicaid Reform," The Conversation, May 11, 2017 (with Darius Lakdawalla & Jayanta Bhattacharya). www
  • "How Republicans and Democrats Can Both Keep Their Promises on Health Care," The Conversation, March 2, 2017 (with Darius Lakdawalla). www
  • "Do You Know What the Affordable Care Act Does? Here’s a Primer to Help," The Conversation, February 27, 2017 (with Darius Lakdawalla). www
  • Best of Both Worlds Uniting Universal Coverage and Personal Choice in Health Care, (American Enterprise Institute). 2013) (with Jayanta Bhattacharya & Amitabh Chandra & Michael Chernew ). cu

Organized Conferences and Seminars

  • Quality of Life in India Slums, University of Chicago Center in Delhi, December 2018
  • The Methodological Underpinnings of Legal Research, University of Chicago, May 2016
  • The Future of Health Care Reform, University of Chicago, October 2013
  • Pharmaceutical Drug Development, Petrie Flom Center, Harvard Law School, June 2009 
  • Current Research on Medical Malpractice Liability, University of Chicago Law School, May 2006 
  • Sadie Lewis Webb Program in Law and Biomedicine’s Health Law and Policy Speakers Series, University of Virginia Law School, 2003 - 2005
  • John M. Olin Conference on Empirical Research in Corporate, Securities, and Bankruptcy Law, University of Virginia Law School, Feb 2004 

Grant Funding

  • Measure Excess Death due to COVID in India using Verbal Autopsies, from Emergent Ventures, 2022.
  • The Indian Health Insurance Experiment, from IGC-India, 2019.
  • The Indian Health Insurance Experiment, from Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, 2019.
  • The Economics of Indian Slums, from Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, 2017.
  • The SEWA Wage Insurance Experiment, from Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, 2017.
  • Impact Evaluation of Mission Kakatiya (Water Tank Rehabilitation Programme in Telangana), from Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, 2016.
  • The Indian Health Insurance Experiment, from Tata Centre for Development at UChicago, 2016.
  • Sanitation and River Quality Surveillance Project in Andra Pradesh, from the Administrative Staff College of India, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2016-2018.
  • Tata Centre for Development at University of Chicago, from the Tata Trusts, 2016.
  • Education Projects in Rajasthan and Haryana at the International Innovation Corps, from the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, 2015-2017.
  • The Indian Health Insurance Experiment, from the Becker Friedman Institute, 2015.
  • Unpacking the Value of Health Insurance in India, from Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago, 2014, with Alessandra Voena and Anuj Shah.
  • Collaborative Partnership with the International Innovation Corps, from USAID, 2013.
  • The Indian Health Insurance Experiment, from Department for International Development and the Public Health Foundation of India, 2013, with Ramanan Laxminarayan (co-principal investigator).
  • Does Advertising Affect the Physiological Efficacy of Drugs? from University of Chicago Booth School of Business - Initiative on Global Markets, 2010, with Emir Kamenica.
  • Conflicts of Interest in Medical Journal Publications, from University of Chicago Booth School of Business - Initiative on Global Markets and University of Chicago Law School, 2009, with Christian Leuz.
  • Estimating the Negative Resistance Externality from Antibiotic Use, from University of Chicago Program in Pharmaceutical Policy, 2007, $11,667, with Amitabh Chandra and Darius Lakdawalla
  • Measuring Heterogeneity in Treatment Effects, from Pfizer Inc., Evidence-based Medicine Group, 2007-2008, $35,000, with Barton Hamilton.
  • Hidden Components of Executive Compensation: Supplemental Employee Retirement Plans and Change-in-Control Payments, from Bankard Fund, 2005, $25,000, with Rajesh Aggarwal.

Research Projects

  • Principal Investigator, Declining Global Fertility: Causes and Solutions, 2022-2022
  • Principal Investigator, Measure Excess Death due to COVID in India using Verbal Autopsies, 2022
  • Principal Investigator, Economics of Slums, 2019.
  • Principal Investigator on the SEWA Wage Insurance Experiment, 2019.
  • Principal Investigator on Impact Evaluation of Mission Kakatiya (Water Tank Rehabilitation Programme in Telangana), 2016.
  • Principal Investigator on the Indian Health Insurance Experiment, 2013.
  • Principal Investigator on medical trial about the effect of DTC advertising on the efficacy of Claritin, conducted at the Nasal Physiology Lab, University of Chicago Hospital, 2008.
  • Principal Investigator on experiment concerning on subjects’ control over own expectations in the context of a trial of the effect of glucose beverage on cognitive performance.
  • Principal Investigator on medical trial of the effect of caffeine on blood pressure and pulse, conducted at the General Clinical Research Center, University of Virginia, HIC #11701.

Professional Memberships and Affiliations

  • Faculty member, Committee on South Asian Studies, University of Chicago, 2014-present
  • Research Advisory Board, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago, 2015-2017
  • Board Member, Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago, 2015-2017
  • Board Member, University of Chicago Press, 2013-2016
  • Member, Board of Directors, American Law & Economics Association, 2011-2013
  • Member, National Advisory Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Public Health Law Research program, 2009-2011

Honors and Awards

  • Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential Academics in Government, 2022
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2021
  • Emergent Ventures Prize, October 2020 (for serological work)
  • Emergent Ventures Prize, June 2020 (for epidemiological modeling work)
  • Order of the Coif, 2000
  • Stepan Chemical Company Scholarship, 1999 – 2000
  • John M. Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics, 1998 – 2000
  • Bradley Foundation Fellowship, 1997 – 2000
  • Beale Prize, 1997
  • Distinction (top score), Econometrics Field Exam, University of Chicago, Department of Economics, 1996
  • University of Chicago Fellowship, 1995 – 2000


  • Chicago Scientific COVID-19 Vaccine Work Group, December 2020
  • Asian Development Bank High-Level Advisory Panel to Support COVID-19 Recovery in Southeast Asia, 2020
  • World Economic Forum, Regional Action Group for South Asia, COVID-19, 2020

Editorial Work

  • Referee, American Economics Review, American Journal of Managed Care, American Law and Economics Review, Annals of Internal Medicine, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Health Affairs, International Review of Law and Economics, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Legal Studies, Journal of Political Economy, National Tax Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, RAND Journal of Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Science, Science Advances
  • Editor, Journal of Law and Economics (July 2007 - August 2021)
  • Associate Editor, Forum for Health Economics & Policy (2012-2014)